#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CMake Config # # Libosmium example tests # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- message(STATUS "Configuring example tests") set(EXAMPLE_TESTS amenity_list area_test change_tags convert count create_pois debug dump_internal filter_discussions index_lookup location_cache pub_names read read_with_progress road_length tiles ) # This is the list of all tests that are in the repository. It should be the # same as the configured list above, if not we'll find out about that below # and create a fatal error. file(GLOB _dirs RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/t ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/t/*) foreach(_dir ${EXAMPLE_TESTS}) message(STATUS " adding test: ${_dir}") add_subdirectory("t/${_dir}") list(REMOVE_ITEM _dirs ${_dir}) endforeach() if(NOT ${_dirs} STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Found example tests that are not configured: ${_dirs}") endif() message(STATUS "Configuring example tests - done") #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------