* TODOS ** DONE Should menu use index or just the exercise? ** ALMOSTDONE State should have a more concise API, rather than exposing .0 ** WONTFIX Abstract keyboard event handling into actions ** DONE Internal state tracking in tester (not just mutable variables)? ** DONE Input -> tester -> input abstraction: would a tuple suffice? ** DONE Refactor output clearing to function ** DONE clap ** DONE replace RustEmbed with something that actually works: should be able to exclude target folders https://github.com/pyrossh/rust-embed/issues/150 ** TODO update documentation ** TODO add confirmation dialog ** TODO create abstraction for \r\n and use MoveToNextLine instead #+BEGIN_SRC rust for line in MENU.split('\n') { queue!(w, style::Print(line), cursor::MoveToNextLine(1))?; } #+END_SRC ** TODO show warnings (and clippy)