// Copyright 2020-2021 Ian Jackson and contributors to Otter // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later // There is NO WARRANTY. //! Otter game system (part thereeof) //! //! //! //! This crate is intended for use only by other parts of Otter. #![allow(clippy::or_fun_call)] #![allow(clippy::unnecessary_operation)] // trips on #[throws(Explode)] #![allow(clippy::no_effect)] // trips on #[throws(Explode)] pub use otter_api_tests::*; pub use otter_api_tests as apitest; pub use thirtyfour_sync as t4; pub use t4::WebDriverCommands; pub use t4::By; pub use t4::Keys; pub type T4d = t4::WebDriver; pub type WDE = t4::error::WebDriverError; use t4::Capabilities; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; pub use std::rc::Rc; #[derive(Debug,Clone,Deref)] #[derive(StructOpt)] pub struct Opts { #[structopt(flatten)] #[deref] at: apitest::Opts, #[structopt(long="--layout", default_value="Portrait")] layout: PresentationLayout, #[structopt(long="--geckodriver-args", default_value="")] geckodriver_args: String, } impl AsRef for Opts { fn as_ref(&self) -> &apitest::Opts { &self.at } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FinalInfoCollection; type ScreenShotCount = u32; type WindowState = Option; #[derive(Debug,Deref,DerefMut)] pub struct Setup { pub opts: Opts, #[deref] #[deref_mut] pub core: SetupCore, driver: T4d, current_window: WindowState, screenshot_count: ScreenShotCount, #[allow(dead_code)] /* here for Drop impl */ final_hook: FinalInfoCollection, windows_squirreled: Vec, // see Drop impl } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Window { pub name: String, pub player: PlayerId, pub instance: InstanceName, pub url: String, js_logfile: JsLogfile, vpid_cache: RefCell>, } #[derive(Debug,Clone,Eq,PartialEq,Ord,PartialOrd,Hash)] #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct Vpid(pub String); impl Display for Vpid { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str(&self.0) } } impl Window { pub fn table(&self) -> String { self.instance.to_string() } } #[throws(AE)] fn prepare_xserver(cln: &cleanup_notify::Handle, ds: &DirSubst) { const DISPLAY: u16 = 12; let mut xcmd = Command::new("Xvfb"); xcmd .args("-screen 0 2000x2000x24 \ -nolisten unix \ -nolisten local \ -listen inet \ -listen inet6 \ -terminate \ -retro \ -displayfd 1".split(' ')) .args(&["-fbdir", &ds.abstmp]) .arg(format!(":{}", DISPLAY)); let (l,_) = fork_something_which_prints(xcmd, cln, "Xvfb")?; if l != DISPLAY.to_string() { throw!(anyhow!( "Xfvb said {:?}, expected {:?}", l, DISPLAY )); } let display = format!("[::1]:{}", DISPLAY); env::set_var("DISPLAY", &display); // Doesn't do IPv6 ?? let v4display = format!("{}", DISPLAY); let (xconn, _) = x11rb::connect(Some(&v4display)) .context("make keepalive connection to X server")?; // Sadly, if we die between spawning Xfvb, and here, we will // permanently leak the whole Xfvb process (and the network // namespace). There doesn't seem to a way to avoid this without // editing Xvfb, Box::leak(Box::new(xconn)); } #[throws(AE)] fn prepare_geckodriver(opts: &Opts, ds: &DirSubst, cln: &cleanup_notify::Handle) { const EXPECTED: &str = "Listening on"; let mut cmd = Command::new("geckodriver"); cmd.args(&["--binary", &ds.subst("@src@/wdriver/firefox-wrapper")?]); if opts.geckodriver_args != "" { cmd.args(opts.geckodriver_args.split(' ')); } let (l,_) = fork_something_which_prints(cmd, cln, "geckodriver")?; let fields: Vec<_> = l.split('\t').skip(2).take(2).collect(); let expected = ["INFO", EXPECTED]; if fields != expected { throw!(anyhow!("geckodriver did not report as expected \ - got {:?}, expected {:?}", fields, &expected)); } } #[throws(AE)] fn prepare_thirtyfour(ds: &DirSubst) -> (T4d, ScreenShotCount, Vec) { let mut count = 0; let mut caps = t4::DesiredCapabilities::firefox(); let prefs: HashMap<_,_> = [ ("devtools.console.stdout.content", true), ].iter().cloned().collect(); caps.add("prefs", prefs)?; caps.add("stdio", "inherit")?; let driver = t4::WebDriver::new("http://localhost:4444", &caps) .context("create 34 WebDriver")?; const FRONT: &str = "front"; let mut js_logfile = JsLogfileImp::open(ds, FRONT)?; driver.set_window_name(FRONT).context("set initial window name")?; screenshot(&driver, &mut count, "startup", log::Level::Trace)?; driver.get(URL).context("navigate to front page")?; screenshot(&driver, &mut count, "front", log::Level::Trace)?; js_logfile.fetch(&driver)?; let js_logs = vec![Rc::new(RefCell::new(js_logfile))]; let t = Some(5_000 * MS); driver.set_timeouts(t4::TimeoutConfiguration::new(t,t,t)) .context("set webdriver timeouts")?; (driver, count, js_logs) } pub type JsLogfile = Rc>; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct JsLogfileImp { name: String, fh: File, counter: usize, } impl JsLogfileImp { #[throws(AE)] pub fn open(ds: &DirSubst, name: &str) -> Self { let path = ds.also(&[("name", name)]).subst( "@abstmp@/js-@name@.log" )?; let name = name.to_owned(); let fh = File::create(&path).with_context(|| path.clone())?; let counter = 0; JsLogfileImp { name, fh, counter } } pub fn name(&self) -> String { self.name.clone() } /// current window must be this one, named `name` as we passed to open #[throws(AE)] pub fn fetch(&mut self, driver: &T4d) { self.fetchx(driver, false)?; } /// current window must be this one, named `name` as we passed to open #[throws(AE)] pub fn fetchx(&mut self, driver: &T4d, tolerate_errors: bool) { self.counter += 1; let head = format!( "-------------------- JS {} {} --------------------", &self.name, self.counter ); writeln!(&mut self.fh, "{}", &head)?; let mut intolerable = vec![]; (||{ let got = driver.execute_script(r#" var returning = window.console.saved; window.console.saved = []; return returning; "#).context("get log")?; for ent in got.value().as_array() .ok_or(anyhow!("saved isn't an array?"))? { #[derive(Deserialize,Debug)] struct LogEnt(String, Vec); impl fmt::Display for LogEnt { #[throws(fmt::Error)] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) { write!(f, "{}:", self.0)?; for a in &self.1 { write!(f, " {}", a)?; } } } let ent: LogEnt = serde_json::from_value(ent.clone()) .context("parse log entry")?; writeln!(&mut self.fh, "{:?}", &ent)?; if ! tolerate_errors { match ent.0.as_str() { "log" => { }, _ => intolerable.push(ent) } } } Ok::<_,AE>(()) })() .with_context(|| self.name.clone()) .context("fetch JS log messages")?; assert!{ intolerable.is_empty(), "Intolerable JS error(s) {:#?}", intolerable }; info!("{}", head); } } type ScreenCTM = ndarray::Array2::; pub struct WindowGuard<'g> { su: &'g mut Setup, w: &'g Window, matrix: OnceCell, client: OnceCell, } impl Debug for WindowGuard<'_> { #[throws(fmt::Error)] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) { f.debug_struct("WindowGuard") .field("w.name", &self.w.name) .field("w.instance", &self.w.instance.to_string()) .finish()? } } #[derive(Deserialize,Clone,Debug)] pub struct WPiece { pub piece: Vpid, pub p: JsV, } pub trait LogIgnoreBefore { fn matches(&mut self, s: &str) -> bool; } type LogIgnoreBeforeFn<'r> = &'r mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> bool; impl<'r> LogIgnoreBefore for LogIgnoreBeforeFn<'r> { fn matches(&mut self, s: &str) -> bool { self(s) } } impl LogIgnoreBefore for HtmlLit { fn matches(&mut self, s: &str) -> bool { s.contains(self.as_html_str()) } } impl LogIgnoreBefore for Generation { fn matches(&mut self, s: &str) -> bool { s == synch_logentry(*self).as_html_str() } } impl<'g> WindowGuard<'g> { #[throws(AE)] pub fn piece_vpid(&'g self, some_pieceid: &'_ str) -> Vpid { if some_pieceid.contains('.') { return Vpid(some_pieceid.to_owned()) } let mut cache = self.w.vpid_cache.borrow_mut(); if let Some(got) = cache.get(some_pieceid) { return got.clone() } let (l, r) = some_pieceid.split_once('v').unwrap(); let s = format!(r#"{{ "idx":{}, "version":{} }}"#, l,r); // cheesy! let kd: slotmap::KeyData = serde_json::from_str(&s).unwrap(); let piece: PieceId = kd.into(); let resp = self.su.mgmt_conn().cmd(&MC::AlterGame { game: TABLE.parse().unwrap(), how: MgmtGameUpdateMode::Online, insns: vec![ MgmtGameInstruction::PieceIdLookupFwd { piece, player: self.w.player, } ], })?; let vpid = if_chain!{ if let MgmtResponse::AlterGame { error: None, responses } = &resp; if let [MgmtGameResponse::VisiblePieceId(vpid)] = responses.as_slice(); then { vpid } else { unreachable(Err::(&resp).unwrap()) } }; let got = Vpid(vpid.unwrap().to_string()); cache.insert(some_pieceid.to_owned(), got.clone()); got } pub fn vpid_clear_cache(&'g self) { self.w.vpid_cache.borrow_mut().clear(); } #[throws(AE)] pub fn vpidelem(&'g self, prefix: &'_ str, some_pieceid: &'_ str) -> String { prefix.to_string() + &self.piece_vpid(some_pieceid)?.0 } #[throws(AE)] pub fn find_piece(&'g self, pieceid: &'_ str) -> PieceElement<'g> { let pieceid = self.piece_vpid(pieceid)?; let elemid = format!("use{}", &pieceid); let elem = self.su.driver.find_element(By::Id(&elemid))?; PieceElement { elem, pieceid, w: self, } } #[throws(AE)] pub fn client(&mut self) -> String { let us = self.client.get_or_try_init(||{ let us = self.execute_script(r##"return us;"##)?; let us = us.value(); let us = us.as_str().ok_or_else( || anyhow!("return us script gave {:?}", &us))?; Ok::<_,AE>(us.to_owned()) }).context("obtain client ID")?; us.clone() } #[throws(AE)] pub fn piece_held(&self, pc: &str) -> Option { let held = self.execute_script(&format!(r##" let pc = pieces['{}']; return pc.held; "##, &self.piece_vpid(pc)?))?; let held = held.value(); dbg!(held); match held { JsV::Null => None, JsV::String(s) => Some(s.to_owned()), _ => Err(anyhow!("held check script gave {:?}", held))?, } } #[throws(AE)] pub fn posg2posw(&self, posg: Pos) -> WebPos { let mat = self.matrix.get_or_try_init(||{ let ary = self.su.driver.execute_script(r#" let m = space.getScreenCTM(); return [m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f]; "#)?; let ary = ary.value(); dbg!(ary); let mat = (||{ let ary = ary.as_array().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("not array"))?; let mut mat: ScreenCTM = ndarray::Array2::zeros((3,3)); for got in itertools::Itertools::zip_longest( [11, 12, 21, 22, 41, 42].iter(), // ^ from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMMatrix ary.iter(), ) { let (mij, v) = got.both().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("wrong length"))?; let adj = |v| (if v == 4 { 3 } else { v }) - 1; let i = adj(mij / 10); let j = adj(mij % 10); mat[(j,i)] = v.as_f64().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("entry not f64"))?; } Ok::<_,AE>(mat) })() .with_context(|| format!("getScreenCGM script gave {:?}", &ary))?; dbg!(&mat); Ok::<_,AE>(mat) })?; (||{ let vec: ndarray::Array1 = posg.coords.iter() .cloned() .map(|v| v as f64) .chain(iter::once(1.)) .collect(); dbg!(&vec); let vec = mat.dot(&vec); let mut coords = vec.iter().map( |v| NumCast::from(v.round()).ok_or_else( || anyhow!("coordinate {} out of range in {:?}", v, &vec)) ); let mut coord = || coords.next().unwrap(); Ok::(( coord()?, coord()?, )) })() .context("convert game position to web page coordinates")? } #[throws(AE)] pub fn retrieve_log(&self, mut ignore_before: I) -> Vec { #[throws(AE)] fn inner<'g, 'i> (w: &'g WindowGuard, ignore_before: LogIgnoreBeforeFn<'i>) -> Vec { let log = w.find_elements(By::ClassName("logmsg"))?; let log = log.iter() .rev() .map(|e| e.inner_html()) .take_while(|h| { h.as_ref().ok() .map(|s: &String| ignore_before(s)) != Some(true) }) .collect::,_>>()?; assert!( ! log.is_empty() ); dbg!(log) } inner(self, &mut move |s| ignore_before.matches(s))? } #[throws(AE)] pub fn fetch_js_log(&self) { self.w.js_logfile.borrow_mut().fetch(&self.su.driver)? } } #[ext(pub)] impl Vec { fn find_conflicts(&self) -> Vec { self.iter().filter(|m| m.starts_with("Conflict!")) .cloned().collect() } fn assert_no_conflicts(&self) { assert_eq!(self.find_conflicts(), vec![] as Vec); } } pub type WebCoord = i32; pub type WebPos = (WebCoord, WebCoord); #[derive(Deref)] pub struct PieceElement<'g> { pieceid: Vpid, w: &'g WindowGuard<'g>, #[deref] elem: t4::WebElement<'g>, } impl<'g> PieceElement<'g> { #[throws(AE)] pub fn posg(&self) -> Pos { (||{ let a = |a| Ok::<_,AE>( self.get_attribute(a)?.ok_or(anyhow!("{}", a))?.parse()? ); let x = a("x")?; let y = a("y")?; Ok::<_,AE>(PosC::new(x,y)) })() .with_context(|| self.pieceid.to_owned()) .context("read position of piece out of x,y attributes")? } #[throws(AE)] pub fn posw(&self) -> WebPos { let posg = self.posg()?; self.w.posg2posw(posg) .with_context(|| self.pieceid.to_owned())? } } impl<'g> TryInto for &'g PieceElement<'g> { type Error = AE; #[throws(AE)] fn try_into(self) -> WebPos { self.posw()? } } #[throws(AE)] fn check_window_name_sanity(name: &str) -> &str { let e = || anyhow!("bad window name {:?}", &name); name.chars().nth(0).ok_or(e())? .is_ascii_alphanumeric().ok_or(e())?; name.chars().all( |c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '-' || c == '_' ).ok_or(e())?; name } impl Setup { #[throws(AE)] pub fn new_window<'s>(&'s mut self, instance: &Instance, name: &str, player: PlayerId, url: String) -> Window { let name = check_window_name_sanity(name)?; let window = (||{ self.current_window = None; // we might change the current window match self.driver.switch_to().window_name(name) { Ok(()) => throw!(anyhow!("window already exists")), Err(WDE::NoSuchWindow(_)) | Err(WDE::NotFound(..)) => (), e@ Err(_) => { eprintln!("wot {:?}", &e); throw!(e .context("check for pre-existing window") .err().unwrap()) }, }; self.driver.execute_script(&format!( r#"window.open('', target='{}');"#, name, )) .context("execute script to create window")?; let js_logfile = JsLogfileImp::open(&self.core.ds, name)?; let js_logfile = Rc::new(RefCell::new(js_logfile)); self.windows_squirreled.push(js_logfile.clone()); Ok::<_,AE>(Window { name: name.to_owned(), instance: instance.0.clone(), vpid_cache: default(), url, player, js_logfile, }) })() .with_context(|| name.to_owned()) .context("create window")?; window } } impl Setup { #[throws(AE)] pub fn w<'s>(&'s mut self, w: &'s Window) -> WindowGuard<'s> { if self.current_window.as_ref() != Some(&w.name) { self.driver.switch_to().window_name(&w.name) .with_context(|| w.name.to_owned()) .context("switch to window")?; self.current_window = Some(w.name.clone()); } WindowGuard { w, su: self, matrix: default(), client: default(), } } } impl<'g> Deref for WindowGuard<'g> { type Target = T4d; fn deref(&self) -> &T4d { &self.su.driver } } impl<'g> Drop for WindowGuard<'g> { fn drop(&mut self) { (|| Ok::<_,AE>( self.w.js_logfile.try_borrow_mut().context("borrow js log")? .fetch(&self.su.driver)? ))().just_warn(); } } pub trait Screenshottable { fn screenshot(&mut self, slug: &str, level: log::Level) -> Result<(),AE>; } impl<'g> Screenshottable for WindowGuard<'g> { #[throws(AE)] fn screenshot(&mut self, slug: &str, level: log::Level) { screenshot(&self.su.driver, &mut self.su.screenshot_count, &format!("{}-{}", &self.w.name, slug), level)? } } #[throws(AE)] fn screenshot(driver: &T4d, count: &mut ScreenShotCount, slug: &str, level: log::Level) { if !log_enabled!(level) { debug!("skipping screenshot {}", slug); return } let path = format!("{:03}{}.png", count, slug); *count += 1; driver.screenshot(&PathBuf::from(&path)) .with_context(|| path.clone()) .context("take screenshot")?; debug!("screenshot {}", &path); } impl<'g> WindowGuard<'g> { #[throws(AE)] pub fn otter(&mut self, verb: &[&str], args: &[&str]) { let args: Vec = ["--account", "server:", "--game", &self.w.table()] .iter().cloned().map(Into::into) .chain(verb.iter().cloned().map(Into::into)) .chain(args.iter().cloned().map(Into::into)) .collect(); self.su.ds.otter(&args)?; } #[throws(AE)] fn synch_raw(&mut self) -> Generation { let gen = self.su.mgmt_conn().game_synch(self.w.instance.clone())?; (|| { loop { info!("{:?} gen={}", self, gen); let tgen = self.su.driver.execute_async_script( &Subst::from(&[ ("wanted", &gen.to_string()) ]).subst(r#" var done = arguments[0]; function no_queue() { return !api_queue.length && !api_posting; } if (gen >= @wanted@ && no_queue()) { done(gen); return; } window.test_update_hook = function() { window.test_update_hook = function() { }; done(no_queue() ? gen : 0); }; "#)? ) .context("run async script")? .value().as_u64().ok_or(anyhow!("script return is not u64"))?; let tgen = Generation(tgen); info!("{:?} gen={} tgen={}", self, gen, tgen); if tgen >= gen { break; } } Ok::<(),AE>(()) })() .context("await gen update via async js script")?; gen } #[throws(AE)] pub fn synch_ignore_js_errors(&mut self) -> Generation { let gen = self.synch_raw()?; self.su.driver.execute_script(r#" let e = document.getElementById('error'); e.innerHTML = ""; "#) .context("clear in-client trapped errors")?; gen } #[throws(AE)] pub fn synch(&mut self) -> Generation { let gen = self.synch_raw()?; (|| { let errors = self.su.driver.execute_script(r#" let e = document.getElementById('error'); if (e) { return e.innerHTML; } else { console.log('wdt-*: no errors element, no trapped errors check'); return ""; } "#) .context("get errors")?; let errors = errors .value() .as_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("errors script gave non-string"))?; if ! errors.is_empty() { throw!(anyhow!("JS errors - HTML: {}", errors)); } Ok::<(),AE>(()) })() .context("check for in-client trapped errors")?; gen } /// These come in stacking order, bottom to top. #[throws(AE)] pub fn pieces(&mut self) -> Vec { self.su.driver.execute_script(r#" let uelem = pieces_marker; let out = []; for (;;) { uelem = uelem.nextElementSibling; let piece = uelem.dataset.piece; if (!piece) break; let p = pieces[piece]; out.push({ piece: piece, p: p }); } return out; "#) .did("fetch ids")? .convert()? } } impl Drop for FinalInfoCollection { fn drop(&mut self) { nix::unistd::linkat(None, "Xvfb_screen0", None, "Xvfb_keep.xwd", unistd::LinkatFlags::NoSymlinkFollow) .context("preserve Xvfb screen") .just_warn(); } } pub trait IntoInWindow { fn w_into<'g>(self, w: &'g WindowGuard) -> Result; } impl IntoInWindow for T { #[throws(AE)] fn w_into<'g>(self, _w: &'g WindowGuard) -> T { self } } impl IntoInWindow for Pos { #[throws(AE)] fn w_into<'g>(self, w: &'g WindowGuard) -> WebPos { w.posg2posw(self)? } } #[ext(pub, name=ActionChainExt, supertraits=Sized)] impl<'a> t4::action_chain::ActionChain<'a> { #[throws(AE)] fn move_w<'g, P: Debug + Copy + IntoInWindow> (self, w: &'g WindowGuard, pos: P) -> Self { let pos: WebPos = pos.w_into(w) .with_context(|| format!("{:?}", pos)) .context("find coordinate")?; self.move_pos(pos)? } #[throws(AE)] fn move_pos<'g, E, P: TryInto> (self, pos: P) -> Self where Result: anyhow::Context { let (px,py) = pos.try_into().context("convert")?; trace!("move_pos: ({}, {})", px, py); self.move_to(px,py) } #[throws(AE)] fn move_pc<'g>(self, w: &'g WindowGuard, pc: &'_ str) -> Self { (||{ let p = w.find_piece(pc).context("find")?; let pos = p.posw().context("get pos")?; let r = self.move_pos(pos).context("move")?; Ok::<_,AE>(r) })().with_context(|| format!("piece {}", pc))? } } impl Drop for Setup { fn drop(&mut self) { (||{ for jslog in mem::take(&mut self.windows_squirreled) { // This constructor is concurrency-hazardous. It's only OK // here because we have &mut self. If there is only one // Setup, there can be noone else with a Window with an // identical name to be interfered with by us. let name = jslog.try_borrow()?.name(); let w = Window { name: name.clone(), instance: TABLE.parse().context(TABLE)?, player: default(), vpid_cache: default(), js_logfile: jslog.clone(), url: default(), }; self.w(&w)?.screenshot("final", log::Level::Info) .context(name) .context("final screenshot") .just_warn(); } Ok::<_,AE>(()) })() .context("screenshots, in Setup::drop") .just_warn(); } } #[throws(AE)] pub fn setup(exe_module_path: &str) -> (Setup, Instance) { let (opts, instance, core) = apitest::setup_core( &[exe_module_path, "otter_webdriver_tests"], )?; prepare_xserver(&core.cln, &core.ds).did("setup X server")?; let final_hook = FinalInfoCollection; prepare_geckodriver(&opts, &core.ds, &core.cln).did("setup webdriverr")?; let (driver, screenshot_count, windows_squirreled) = prepare_thirtyfour(&core.ds).did("prepare web session")?; (Setup { core, driver, opts, screenshot_count, current_window: None, windows_squirreled, final_hook, }, instance) } impl Setup { #[throws(AE)] pub fn setup_static_users(&mut self, instance: &Instance) -> Vec { let susus = self.core.ds.clone() .setup_static_users(&mut self.mgmt_conn(), self.opts.layout)?; susus .into_iter().map(|sus| { let w = self.new_window(instance, sus.nick, sus.player, sus.url.clone())?; self.w(&w)?.get(sus.url)?; self.w(&w)?.screenshot("initial", log::Level::Trace)?; Ok::<_,AE>(w) }) .collect::>()? } } // Ideally individual test files' Ctx would simply contain this, // but it would need to be borrowed in pieces which is awkward. pub struct UsualSetup { pub su: Setup, pub inst: Instance, pub alice: Window, pub bob: Window, pub spec: GameSpec, } impl UsualSetup { #[throws(AE)] pub fn new(exe_module_path: &str) -> UsualSetup { let (mut su, inst) = setup(exe_module_path).did("usual setup")?; let [alice, bob] : [Window; 2] = su.setup_static_users(&inst)?.try_into().unwrap(); let spec = su.ds.game_spec_data()?; UsualSetup { su, inst, alice, bob, spec } } } #[throws(Explode)] pub fn as_usual Result<(), Explode>>( f: F, exe_module_path: &str, ) { let usual = UsualSetup::new(exe_module_path)?; f(usual)?; info!("ok"); } // ==================== portmanteau binary ==================== portmanteau_has!("wdt-altergame.rs", wdt_altergame); portmanteau_has!("wdt-hand.rs", wdt_hand); portmanteau_has!("wdt-simple.rs", wdt_simple); portmanteau_has!("wdt-bundles.rs", wdt_bundles); #[throws(AE)] fn main() { portmanteau_main("wdt")? }