mod common; #[test] fn hello_world() { assert_oursh!("echo hello world", "hello world\n"); } #[test] fn builtin_cd() { assert_oursh!("cd /; pwd", "/\n"); // assert_oursh!("cd; pwd", "$HOME\n"); // assert_oursh!("cd ~; pwd", "$HOME\n"); // assert_oursh!("cd /; cd /home; cd -", "/\n"); } #[test] fn builtin_exit() { assert_oursh!("exit"); assert_oursh!(! "exit 1"); } #[test] fn builtin_null() { assert_oursh!(":"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn forkbomb() { assert_oursh!(":(){ :|: & };:"); } #[test] fn hello_world_quoted() { assert_oursh!("echo 'hello world'", "hello world\n"); assert_oursh!("echo \"hello world\"", "hello world\n"); } #[test] fn simple_command() { assert_oursh!("head -n 1", "# oursh\n"); } #[test] fn chained_command() { assert_oursh!("false; true; echo 1", "1\n"); assert_oursh!("true; false; echo 2;", "2\n"); } #[test] fn single_compound_command() { assert_oursh!("{ echo pi; }", "pi\n"); assert_oursh!("{echo pi; }"); // NOTE: Fails in sh // assert_oursh!("{echo pi}"); // NOTE: Allowed in zsh } #[test] fn multiple_compound_command() { assert_oursh!("{ echo pi; echo e; }", "pi\ne\n"); assert_oursh!("{ FOO=1; }; echo $FOO", "1\n"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn multiple_tee_command() { // TODO: Might need a way to test order independent output. assert_oursh!("echo foo | tee >(wc -c) | base64", "4\nZm9vCg==") } #[test] fn not_command() { assert_oursh!(! "! true"); assert_oursh!(! "! true && echo 1"); } #[test] fn and_command() { assert_oursh!("true && echo 1", "1\n"); assert_oursh!( !"false && echo 1"); } #[test] fn or_command() { assert_oursh!("true || echo 1", ""); assert_oursh!("false || echo 1", "1\n"); } #[test] fn cond_command() { assert_oursh!("if true; then echo 1; else echo 2; fi", "1\n"); assert_oursh!("if false; then echo 1; else echo 2; fi", "2\n"); assert_oursh!("if false; then echo 1; elif false; then echo 2; else echo 3; fi", "3\n"); assert_oursh!("if false; then echo 1; elif true; then echo 2; else echo 3; fi", "2\n"); } #[test] fn subshell_command() { assert_oursh!("$( true )"); assert_oursh!("$(echo 1)", "1\n"); assert_oursh!("$(false; echo 1)", "1\n"); // TODO: Test some actual subshell usage. } #[test] fn single_pipeline_command() { assert_oursh!("echo pi | wc -c", "3\n"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn chained_pipeline_command() { assert_oursh!("cat | head | wc -l", "10\n"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn assignment_command() { assert_oursh!("PI=3.1415 printenv PI", "3.1415\n"); assert_oursh!("X=1 Y=2 printenv X Y", "1\n2\n"); assert_oursh!("X=1; printenv X", "\n"); } #[test] fn variable_command() { assert_oursh!("X=1; echo $X", "1\n"); assert_oursh!("export FOO=1 BAR=$FOO; echo $BAR", "1\n"); assert_oursh!("echo $BAR", "\n"); assert_oursh!("echo $", "$\n"); assert_oursh!("echo ' $ '", " $ \n"); assert_oursh!("echo \" $$ $ \"", " $$ $ \n"); } #[test] fn background_command() { assert_oursh!("sleep 1 & echo 1", "1\n"); // TODO: How to test the output with a PID in it? // assert_oursh!("sleep 1 & echo 1", "1\n", "[1]\t(\d*)\n"); }