## It’s an implementation outcome-rs is an implementation of *outcome architecture*. Architecture is a big word, really it’s a rather simple system for handling a set of data structures in a certain way that enables creation of certain types of simulations. These simulations are meant to be abstract representations of the real world, with strong emphasis on the socio-economic and environmental side of things. The true complexity is meant to come from the user created data that can be fed into the simulations. Check out https://docs.theoutcomeproject.com to learn more. ## It’s a library outcome-rs is meant to exist as a library to be used with other Rust, and possibly also non-Rust, projects. ## Functionality in terms of inputs/outputs outcome-rs exposes everything needed to generate, run and interact with outcome simulations. For a higher-level overview of some of the core processing functions check out [processing section of the documentation](https://docs.theoutcomeproject.com/processing/processing.html). Here is a more detailed list: ## TODO