Prefix: : Prefix: g: Ontology: Import: Annotations: creator John, Annotations: rdfs:comment "Creation Year" creationYear 2008, mainClass Person Class: peter Annotations: foo bar ObjectProperty: hasWife Annotations: creator God Characteristics: Functional, InverseFunctional, Reflexive, Irreflexive, Asymmetric, Transitive Domain: Annotations: rdfs:comment "General domain", creator John Person, Annotations: rdfs:comment "More specific domain" Man Range: Person, Woman SubPropertyOf: hasSpouse, loves EquivalentTo: isMarriedTo ,... DisjointWith: hates ,... InverseOf: hasSpouse, inverse hasSpouse SubPropertyChain: Annotations: creator God hasChild o hasParent o... DataProperty: hasAge Annotations: creator God Characteristics: Functional Domain: Person ,... Range: integer ,... SubPropertyOf: hasVerifiedAge ,... EquivalentTo: hasAgeInYears ,... DisjointWith: hasSSN ,... AnnotationProperty: creator Annotations: creator God Domain: Person ,... Range: integer ,... SubPropertyOf: initialCreator ,... Datatype: NegInt Annotations: creator God EquivalentTo: integer[< 0] Class: Person Annotations: rdfs:foobar yay SubClassOf: owl:Thing that hasFirstName exactly 1 and hasFirstName only string[minLength 1] ,... SubClassOf: hasAge exactly 1 and hasAge only not NegInt,... SubClassOf: hasGender exactly 1 and hasGender only {female , male} ,... SubClassOf: hasSSN max 1, hasSSN min 1 SubClassOf: not hates Self, ... EquivalentTo: g:People ,... DisjointWith: g:Rock , g:Mineral ,... DisjointUnionOf: Annotations: creator God Child, Adult HasKey: Annotations: creator God hasSSN Individual: John Annotations: foo bar Types: Person , hasFirstName value "John" or hasFirstName value "Jack"^^xsd:string Facts: hasWife Mary, not hasChild Susan, hasAge 33, hasChild _:child1 SameAs: Jack ,... DifferentFrom: Susan ,OtherHuman Class: Julia SubClassOf: Person DisjointWith: John, OtherPerson Individual: _:child1 Annotations: creator God Types: Person ,... Facts: hasChild Susan ,... DisjointClasses: Annotations: creator God g:Rock, g:Scissor, g:Paper EquivalentProperties: Annotations: creator God hates, loathes, despises DisjointProperties: Annotations: creator God hates, loves, indifferent EquivalentProperties: Annotations: creator God favoriteNumber, g:favouriteNumber, g:favouriteInteger DisjointProperties: Annotations: creator God favoriteInteger, favouriteReal SameIndividual: Annotations: creator God John, Jack, Joe, Jim DifferentIndividuals: Annotations: creator God John, Susan, Mary, Jill