use std::path::Path; use std::{env, io}; use owlchess_base::bitboard::Bitboard; use rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng}; use rand_xoshiro::Xoshiro256PlusPlus; pub fn default_gen() -> impl RngCore { Xoshiro256PlusPlus::seed_from_u64(0x800D_BA5E_5EED_1234_u64) } fn print_bitboards(w: &mut W, name: &str, bs: &[Bitboard]) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "const {}: [Bitboard; {}] = [", name, bs.len())?; for (i, b) in bs.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ bb(0x{:016x}),", i, b.as_raw())?; } writeln!(w, "];")?; Ok(()) } mod zobrist { use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write}; use std::{fs, path::Path}; use owlchess_base::geometry; use owlchess_base::types::{Cell, Color, Coord, File, Piece}; use rand_core::RngCore; struct Zobrist { pieces: [[u64; 64]; Cell::COUNT], move_side: u64, castling: [u64; 16], enpassant: [u64; 64], castling_kingside: [u64; 2], castling_queenside: [u64; 2], } impl Zobrist { fn generate(gen: &mut R) -> Zobrist { let pieces = { let mut res = [[0_u64; 64]; Cell::COUNT]; for sub in res.iter_mut().skip(1) { for x in sub { *x = gen.next_u64(); } } res }; let castling = { let base = [(); 4].map(|_| gen.next_u64()); let mut res = [0_u64; 16]; for (i, val) in res.iter_mut().enumerate() { for (j, base_val) in base.iter().enumerate() { if (i >> j) & 1 != 0 { *val ^= base_val; } } } res }; Zobrist { pieces, move_side: gen.next_u64(), castling, enpassant: [(); 64].map(|_| gen.next_u64()), castling_kingside: [Color::White, Color::Black].map(|c| { let rook = Cell::from_parts(c, Piece::Rook); let king = Cell::from_parts(c, Piece::King); let rank = geometry::castling_rank(c); pieces[king.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::E, rank).index()] ^ pieces[king.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::G, rank).index()] ^ pieces[rook.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::H, rank).index()] ^ pieces[rook.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::F, rank).index()] }), castling_queenside: [Color::White, Color::Black].map(|c| { let rook = Cell::from_parts(c, Piece::Rook); let king = Cell::from_parts(c, Piece::King); let rank = geometry::castling_rank(c); pieces[king.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::E, rank).index()] ^ pieces[king.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::C, rank).index()] ^ pieces[rook.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::A, rank).index()] ^ pieces[rook.index()][Coord::from_parts(File::D, rank).index()] }), } } fn generate_default() -> Zobrist { Self::generate(&mut super::default_gen()) } fn output(&self, w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "const PIECES: [[u64; 64]; Cell::COUNT] = [")?; for (i, sub) in self.pieces.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ [", i)?; for (i, hsh) in sub.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ {:#x},", i, hsh)?; } writeln!(w, " ],")?; } writeln!(w, "];\n")?; writeln!(w, "pub const MOVE_SIDE: u64 = {:#x};\n", self.move_side)?; writeln!(w, "const CASTLING: [u64; 16] = [")?; for (i, sub) in self.castling.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ {:#x},", i, sub)?; } writeln!(w, "];\n")?; writeln!(w, "const ENPASSANT: [u64; 64] = [")?; for (i, sub) in self.enpassant.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ {:#x},", i, sub)?; } writeln!(w, "];\n")?; writeln!( w, "const CASTLING_KINGSIDE: [u64; 2] = [{:#x}, {:#x}];", self.castling_kingside[0], self.castling_kingside[1] )?; writeln!( w, "const CASTLING_QUEENSIDE: [u64; 2] = [{:#x}, {:#x}];", self.castling_queenside[0], self.castling_queenside[1] )?; Ok(()) } } pub fn gen(out_path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { Zobrist::generate_default().output(&mut BufWriter::new(&fs::File::create(out_path)?))?; Ok(()) } } mod near_attacks { use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write}; use std::{fs, path::Path}; use owlchess_base::bitboard::Bitboard; use owlchess_base::types::Coord; fn generate_directed(d_file: [isize; N], d_rank: [isize; N]) -> [Bitboard; 64] { let mut res = [Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; for c in Coord::iter() { let mut bb = Bitboard::EMPTY; for (&delta_file, &delta_rank) in d_file.iter().zip(d_rank.iter()) { if let Some(nc) = c.shift(delta_file, delta_rank) { bb.set(nc); } } res[c.index()] = bb; } res } pub fn gen(out_path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let f = fs::File::create(out_path)?; let mut w = BufWriter::new(&f); super::print_bitboards( &mut w, "KING_ATTACKS", &generate_directed([-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1]), )?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards( &mut w, "KNIGHT_ATTACKS", &generate_directed([-2, -2, -1, -1, 2, 2, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -2, 2, -1, 1, -2, 2]), )?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards( &mut w, "WHITE_PAWN_ATTACKS", &generate_directed([-1, 1], [-1, -1]), )?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards( &mut w, "BLACK_PAWN_ATTACKS", &generate_directed([-1, 1], [1, 1]), )?; Ok(()) } } mod magic { use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write}; use std::{cmp, fs, path::Path}; use owlchess_base::bitboard::Bitboard; use owlchess_base::bitboard_consts; use owlchess_base::types::Coord; use rand_core::RngCore; const FILE_FRAME: Bitboard = Bitboard::from_raw(0xff000000000000ff); const RANK_FRAME: Bitboard = Bitboard::from_raw(0x8181818181818181); const DIAG_FRAME: Bitboard = Bitboard::from_raw(0xff818181818181ff); struct Offsets { ranges: [(usize, usize); 64], total: usize, } trait Magic { const NAME: &'static str; const SHIFTS: &'static [(isize, isize)]; /// If `None`, then the magics are generated automatically in this build script, slowing it down. /// Otherwise, the build takes pre-generated magics from here and just validates them. Note that /// in this case, it is still impossible to build with incorrect magics. /// /// Generating magics takes ~20 seconds of build time if the build script runs unoptimized. So, /// `BishopMagic` and `RookMagic` implementations of this trait use pre-generated tables. const MAGICS: Option<[u64; 64]>; fn build_mask(c: Coord) -> Bitboard; fn build_post_mask(c: Coord) -> Bitboard; /// Determine pointers for shared rook and bishop arrays /// For rooks we share two cells (one entry for both `c1` and `c2`) /// For bishops the number of shared cells is equal to four /// To find more details, see fn init_offsets() -> Offsets; fn get_mask_size(c: Coord) -> usize { Self::build_mask(c).len() as usize } fn get_shift(c: Coord) -> usize { 64 - Self::get_mask_size(c) } } struct BishopMagic; struct RookMagic; impl Magic for RookMagic { const NAME: &'static str = "ROOK"; const SHIFTS: &'static [(isize, isize)] = &[(0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]; #[rustfmt::skip] const MAGICS: Option<[u64; 64]> = Some([ 0x24800140001480a0, 0x0040002001409002, 0x0080200010008088, 0x0080048210010800, 0x0080040102804800, 0x0080020004008009, 0x2080010021800a00, 0xa08004418004a900, 0x81008000e0400094, 0x0264c00460085001, 0x0185004100142003, 0x60020010200a0040, 0x6021000411000801, 0x0182000890046200, 0x1404000204084510, 0x0082801a40800100, 0x08108c8000204000, 0x0d20010100804000, 0x02d0002004002802, 0x8008008030000a80, 0x0000110004480100, 0x0085808024002200, 0x10a8410100040200, 0x40008200008401c3, 0x004004888000416d, 0x09201000400029c0, 0x5120080040401000, 0x0001002100100108, 0x82080008800c0080, 0x0016000200481114, 0x0100080400611002, 0x0231000100034282, 0x5208814010800020, 0x06ca884102002200, 0x0001002001001040, 0x0010010008080080, 0x4000080080800400, 0x0800040080800200, 0x0000500a0c000801, 0x0000a88402000041, 0x4108804000208000, 0x0009402010004001, 0x0002100020008080, 0x00d2002029420010, 0x10c2000408120020, 0x0002000448920010, 0x1010220001008080, 0x0000440440820001, 0x0904e08000400080, 0x005100608a400100, 0x0081004020001500, 0x2214218812004200, 0x8000a50010080100, 0x4042001004480200, 0x0400083082490400, 0x9020404420850200, 0x0020430010218001, 0x4201810020104001, 0x2020002100408891, 0x000010002c210901, 0x0002000c20381002, 0x10050002080c0001, 0x180a008308102204, 0x8000104082a30402, ]); fn build_mask(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { ((bitboard_consts::file(c.file()) & !FILE_FRAME) | (bitboard_consts::rank(c.rank()) & !RANK_FRAME)) & !Bitboard::from_coord(c) } fn build_post_mask(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { bitboard_consts::file(c.file()) ^ bitboard_consts::rank(c.rank()) } fn init_offsets() -> Offsets { let mut ranges = [(0, 0); 64]; let mut total = 0; for c1 in Coord::iter() { let c2 = unsafe { Coord::from_index_unchecked(c1.index() ^ 9) }; if c1.index() > c2.index() { continue; } let max_len = cmp::max(Self::get_mask_size(c1), Self::get_mask_size(c2)); let range = (total, total + (1 << max_len)); ranges[c1.index()] = range; ranges[c2.index()] = range; total = range.1; } Offsets { ranges, total } } } impl Magic for BishopMagic { const NAME: &'static str = "BISHOP"; const SHIFTS: &'static [(isize, isize)] = &[(-1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]; #[rustfmt::skip] const MAGICS: Option<[u64; 64]> = Some([ 0x0420140106022200, 0x0010040808c64000, 0x0031030602040400, 0x0004440289000402, 0x8801104084200242, 0x24010120100c2512, 0x2080a40108400742, 0x0802004402080284, 0x4a400404840c2408, 0x0580180101040300, 0x0860284802408080, 0x0010482a04201480, 0x4821042420000400, 0x0040020202208100, 0x04000c010108220c, 0x0902020202096c0a, 0x40c8454222040400, 0x0008006002040046, 0x80100044440020c0, 0x0888000406420800, 0x000c000081a00200, 0x0002002109052009, 0x011cc04088045000, 0x0058a00101081200, 0x0008880040100122, 0x0050306004050200, 0x0280300002028a00, 0x1020080081004208, 0x04008a0004010404, 0x8114010130900480, 0x0201040802020140, 0x4012002100c70810, 0x0048041000401210, 0x06008809000c1030, 0x08a4020108a20400, 0x1400200800010504, 0x0701440400014100, 0x1000848100020110, 0x0041820088620800, 0x0411061a0054804a, 0x028a012088002011, 0x1100840120240880, 0xa083003802040404, 0x140002023401a200, 0x4000c81d00400c00, 0x0002408107000200, 0x002d081800401104, 0x8009010102108100, 0x7892024220040208, 0x0040410088200282, 0x1128082211101001, 0x0200100220880010, 0x1022401022020000, 0x002820600e008248, 0x0840080604004100, 0x0804054806008404, 0x0005240402015000, 0x1000629401080201, 0xa000080080882110, 0x20000010808c0400, 0x0408c04a40028220, 0x0180066244100080, 0x40140a06080a0400, 0x0040418109020080, ]); fn build_mask(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { (bitboard_consts::DIAG[c.diag()] ^ bitboard_consts::ANTIDIAG[c.antidiag()]) & !DIAG_FRAME } fn build_post_mask(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { bitboard_consts::DIAG[c.diag()] ^ bitboard_consts::ANTIDIAG[c.antidiag()] } fn init_offsets() -> Offsets { let mut ranges = [(0, 0); 64]; let mut total = 0; // We consider 16 groups of shared bishop cells. A single group contains four cells with // coordinates `c + i * offs` for all `i = 0..3`. const STARTS: [usize; 16] = [0, 1, 32, 33, 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58, 6, 7, 38, 39]; const OFFSETS: [usize; 16] = [8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 8, 8, 8]; for (&c, &offs) in STARTS.iter().zip(OFFSETS.iter()) { let items = [0, 1, 2, 3].map(|i| Coord::from_index(c + i * offs)); let max_len = items.into_iter().map(Self::get_mask_size).max().unwrap(); let range = (total, total + (1 << max_len)); for item in items { ranges[item.index()] = range; } total = range.1; } Offsets { ranges, total } } } fn is_valid_magic_const(coord: Coord, magic: u64) -> bool { let mask = M::build_mask(coord); let shift = mask.len() as usize; let submask_cnt = 1_u64 << shift; let mut used = vec![false; submask_cnt as usize]; for submask in 0..submask_cnt { let occupied = mask.deposit_bits(submask); let idx = (occupied.as_raw().wrapping_mul(magic) >> (64 - shift)) as usize; if used[idx] { return false; } used[idx] = true; } true } fn gen_sparse_number(r: &mut R) -> u64 { let mut res = 0; for _ in Coord::iter() { res <<= 1; if r.next_u64() % 8 == 0 { res |= 1; } } res } fn gen_magic_consts(r: &mut R) -> [u64; 64] { if let Some(res) = M::MAGICS { for c in Coord::iter() { assert!(is_valid_magic_const::(c, res[c.index()])); } return res; } let mut res = [0; 64]; for c in Coord::iter() { let cur = &mut res[c.index()]; loop { *cur = gen_sparse_number(r); if is_valid_magic_const::(c, *cur) { break; } } } res } fn write_magic_tables( w: &mut W, magic_consts: [u64; 64], ) -> io::Result<()> { let off = M::init_offsets(); writeln!(w, "const MAGIC_CONSTS_{}: [u64; 64] = [", M::NAME)?; for (i, b) in magic_consts.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ 0x{:016x},", i, b)?; } writeln!(w, "];")?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "const MAGIC_SHIFTS_{}: [u64; 64] = [", M::NAME)?; for c in Coord::iter() { writeln!(w, " /*{:2}*/ {},", c.index(), M::get_shift(c))?; } writeln!(w, "];")?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "static MAGIC_{}: [MagicEntry; 64] = [", M::NAME)?; for c in Coord::iter() { let i = c.index(); writeln!( w, " /*{:2}*/ MagicEntry {{mask: bb(0x{:016x}), post_mask: bb(0x{:016x}), lookup: &MAGIC_LOOKUP_{}[{}]}},", i, M::build_mask(c).as_raw(), M::build_post_mask(c).as_raw(), M::NAME, off.ranges[i].0, )?; } writeln!(w, "];")?; writeln!(w)?; let lookups = { let mut lookups = vec![Bitboard::EMPTY;]; for c in Coord::iter() { let mask = M::build_mask(c); let magic = magic_consts[c.index()]; let shift = mask.len() as usize; let submask_cnt = 1_u64 << shift; for submask in 0..submask_cnt { let occupied = mask.deposit_bits(submask); let idx = (occupied.as_raw().wrapping_mul(magic) >> (64 - shift)) as usize; let res = &mut lookups[idx + off.ranges[c.index()].0]; for &(delta_file, delta_rank) in M::SHIFTS { let mut p = c; while let Some(new_p) = p.shift(delta_file, delta_rank) { res.set(new_p); if occupied.has(new_p) { break; } p = new_p; } } res.unset(c); } } lookups }; writeln!( w, "static MAGIC_LOOKUP_{}: [Bitboard; {}] = [", M::NAME, lookups.len() )?; for (i, b) in lookups.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, " /*{}*/ bb(0x{:016x}),", i, b.as_raw())?; } writeln!(w, "];")?; Ok(()) } fn gen_magic_tables(w: &mut W, r: &mut R) -> io::Result<()> { write_magic_tables::(w, gen_magic_consts::(r)) } pub fn gen(out_path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let f = fs::File::create(out_path)?; let mut w = BufWriter::new(&f); gen_magic_tables::(&mut w, &mut super::default_gen())?; writeln!(w)?; gen_magic_tables::(&mut w, &mut super::default_gen())?; Ok(()) } } mod between { use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write}; use std::{fs, path::Path}; use owlchess_base::bitboard::Bitboard; use owlchess_base::bitboard_consts; use owlchess_base::types::Coord; fn bishop(mask: impl Fn(Coord) -> Bitboard) -> [Bitboard; 64] { let mut res = [Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; for c in Coord::iter() { let val = bitboard_consts::DIAG[c.diag()] | bitboard_consts::ANTIDIAG[c.antidiag()]; res[c.index()] = val & mask(c); } res } fn rook(mask: impl Fn(Coord) -> Bitboard) -> [Bitboard; 64] { let mut res = [Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; for c in Coord::iter() { let val = bitboard_consts::file(c.file()) | bitboard_consts::rank(c.rank()); res[c.index()] = val & mask(c); } res } fn not_eq(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { !Bitboard::from_coord(c) } fn less(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { Bitboard::from((1u64 << c.index()).wrapping_sub(1)) } fn less_eq(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { less(c) | Bitboard::from_coord(c) } fn greater(c: Coord) -> Bitboard { !less_eq(c) } pub fn gen(out_path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let f = fs::File::create(out_path)?; let mut w = BufWriter::new(&f); super::print_bitboards(&mut w, "BISHOP_LT", &bishop(less))?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards(&mut w, "BISHOP_GT", &bishop(greater))?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards(&mut w, "BISHOP_NE", &bishop(not_eq))?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards(&mut w, "ROOK_LT", &rook(less))?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards(&mut w, "ROOK_GT", &rook(greater))?; writeln!(&mut w)?; super::print_bitboards(&mut w, "ROOK_NE", &rook(not_eq))?; Ok(()) } } fn main() -> io::Result<()> { println!(""); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); zobrist::gen(&Path::new(&out_dir).join(""))?; near_attacks::gen(&Path::new(&out_dir).join(""))?; magic::gen(&Path::new(&out_dir).join(""))?; between::gen(&Path::new(&out_dir).join(""))?; Ok(()) }