# oxd Oxd is a client library for the Oxford Dictionary API. It provides [a series of structs](models) modeling entries returned from the API, a function [get_entry] to get entries from the API, a [Display](display::Display) trait to display entries, and a [Pronounce](pronounce::Pronounce) trait to play pronunciation files. ## Usage First you need to go to the [Oxford Dictionary API website](https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com/) to get an application id and a key. ### Use as a command line utility Currently the most convenient way to install oxd is via cargo: ``` cargo install oxd ``` After installation, set environment variables `OD_API_APP_ID` and `OD_API_APP_KEY` to their corresponding values obtained from the [Oxford Dictionary API website](https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com/). Then just type `oxd rust` to look up the word "rust". ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chunjiw/oxd/main/screenshot.png) ### Use as a library ```rust use oxd::{build_client, get_entry}; let app_id = "your_app_id".to_owned(); let app_key = "your_app_key".to_owned(); let client = build_client(app_id, app_key); if let Some(retrieve_entry) = get_entry(&client, "rust") { println!("{:#?}", retrieve_entry); } ``` License: MIT