## 0.11.0 (2024-07-15) - Added `NavMeshSettings::from_agent_and_bounds` helper for creating a nav-mesh with 'reasonable' defaults. - Added many `NavMeshSettings::with_*` functions to adjust the 'reasonable' defaults. - Added gizmo config group `NavigationGroup` for debug draw. - `NavMeshSettings::max_tile_generation_tasks` is now an `Option` - Switch to using an EntityHashMap for storing tile relations. - Renamed `NavMeshSettings::merge_region_area` to `NavMeshSettings::max_region_area_to_merge_into` - `NavMeshSettings::max_edge_length` is now a `u16` instead of `u32`. An edge can't be longer than `tile_length` anyway which is a `u16`. - Updated to Bevy 0.14 - Support multiple Parry3d versions (adopted from PR by @BaronVonScrub) ## 0.10.0 (2024-02-23) - Update to Bevy 0.13 ## 0.9.0 (2024-02-17) - Switch to using boxed slices where applicable resulting in ~1-2% performance improvements in generation & pathfinding. - Update to `bevy_rapier3d` 0.24 (Authored by @janhohenheim) ## 0.8.1 (2024-01-16) - Fix only the lowest points of the nav-mesh being generated. - Fix using the wrong area in contour generation. - Fix broken docs build. ## 0.8.0 (2023-11-09) - Update to Bevy 0.12 - XPBD colliders no longer need to be manually scaled. ## 0.7.0 - Added support for using XPBD & wrapped Parry3d components for Nav-Mesh generation (Authored by @Elabajaba) - Add benchmarks. - Optimizations in tile building. ## 0.6.0 (2023-07-11) - Update to Bevy 0.11. (Authored by @Elabajaba) - Integrated nav-mesh debug draw in ``OxidizedNavigationDebugDrawPlugin`` (Updated debug drawing authored by @Elabajaba) ## 0.5.2 (2023-07-08) - Fix an oversight causing inconsistencies in voxel tile generation. ## 0.5.1 (2023-06-29) - Minor update to README. Otherwise identical to 0.5.0 ## 0.5.0 (2023-06-29) - ``OxidizedNavigationPlugin`` now takes a settings parameter containing ``NavMeshSettings`` - ``find_path`` has been renamed ``find_polygon_path`` - A new ``find_path`` function has been added that does both polygon path finding and stringpulling in one. - Defer much of geometry handling to async task, frame should now be blocked less. - Added ``max_tile_generation_tasks`` to optionally limit how many tiles can be generated concurrently. ## 0.4.0 (2023-04-11) - Nav-Mesh generation now correctly reacts to removing the ``NavMeshAffector`` component. - ``NavMeshAffector`` is now an empty type, the data has been moved to a resource to enable the above change. ## 0.3.0 (2023-03-07) - Updated to Bevy 0.10 - Removed ``NavMeshGenerationState``, you can replicate the same functionality by using ``configure_set`` to add a run condition to the ``OxidizedNavigation`` SystemSet. ## 0.2.0 (2023-02-13) - Implemented ``walkable_radius``. This will "pull-back" the nav-mesh from edges, which means anywhere on the nav-mesh should be fine to stand on for a character with a radius of ``walkable_radius * cell_width`` - Added area cost multipliers. - Added ``NavMeshAreaType`` component, allowing changing the area type of an entity from the default 0, where a value of ``None`` is unwalkable. - Added ``NavMeshGenerationState`` allowing you to pause nav-mesh tile generation. - Added debug draw to example. - Disabled compiling default Bevy features. - Refactored code to be more rust-y. - Update to ``bevy_rapier`` 0.20 ## 0.1.1 (2023-01-18) - Fix minor bug in contour generation. ## 0.1.0 (2023-01-16) - Initial release.