# `oxygraphis`
## Introduction
A small crate and command line tool to interact with bipartite ecological graphs.
## CLI details
### Install
Currently you will need to clone this repository and build from source. Never fear, just download the rust toolchain. Then:
git clone https://github.com/Euphrasiologist/oxygraphis
cd oxygraphis
# install to path.
cargo install --path=.
### Interface
Bipartite graphs are the graph of interest. Analyse these graphs directly, or simulate them.
Usage: oxygraphis [COMMAND]
bipartite Generate and analyse bipartite graphs.
simulate Simulate a number of graphs, and return calculations over the samples.
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
#### Bipartite graphs
The `bipartite` subcommand.
Generate and analyse bipartite graphs.
Usage: oxygraphis bipartite [OPTIONS] [DELIMITER] [COMMAND]
interaction-matrix Coerce a bipartite graph into an interaction matrix.
derived-graphs Coerce a bipartite graph into two derived graphs.
modularity Derive the modularity of a bipartite graph.
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
An input DSV with three headers only: from, to, and weight.
[DELIMITER] Specify the delimiter of the DSV; we assume tabs.
-p, --plotbp Render an SVG bipartite graph plot.
-d, --degreedistribution Return the degree distribution of a bipartite graph.
-b, --bivariatedistribution Return the bivariate degree distribution of a bipartite graph.
-h, --help Print help information
The input must be a delimited file with three columns only:
from to weight
Sp1 Sp2 1.0
Sp2 Sp3 1.0
Sp1 Sp3 1.0
And I guess should be bipartite in structure (i.e. edges only from stratum 1 -> stratum 2). A warning is issued if it isn't, but does not halt the program.
#### Derived graphs
Derived graphs are graphs which show the relationships between species in a stratum.
Coerce a bipartite graph into two derived graphs.
Usage: oxygraphis bipartite derived-graphs [OPTIONS]
-p, --plotdg Render an SVG derived graph of a stratum.
-s, --stratum [] The stratum to display. [default: host] [possible values: host, parasite]
-r, --remove [] Edges with fewer than this number of connections are removed from the graph. [default: 2.0]
-h, --help Print help information
#### Interaction matrix
These form the core of some interesting bipartite analyses. Essentially an `n x m` matrix of all possible species-species interactions in the network.
Coerce a bipartite graph into an interaction matrix.
Usage: oxygraphis bipartite interaction-matrix [OPTIONS]
--print Print the inner matrix as a TSV. Mainly for debugging.
-p, --plotim Render an SVG interaction matrix plot.
-n, --nodf Compute the NODF number of a *sorted* interaction matrix.
-h, --help Print help information
#### Modularity
An algorithm operating on the interaction matrix made from a bipartite graph. It attempts to find modules of species-host interactions in a matrix.
Derive the modularity of a bipartite graph.
Usage: oxygraphis bipartite modularity [OPTIONS]
-l, --lpawbplus Compute the modularity of a bipartite network using LPAwb+ algorithm.
-d, --dirtlpawbplus Compute the modularity of a bipartite network using DIRTLPAwb+ algorithm.
-p, --plotmod Plot the interaction matrix of a bipartite network, sorted to maximise modularity.
-h, --help Print help information
#### Simulations
A subcommand to simulate a number of random graphs (Erdös-Rényi) and execute a calculation on each.
Simulate a number of graphs, and return calculations over the samples.
Usage: oxygraphis simulate [OPTIONS] --parasitenumber --hostnumber --edgecount
Number of parasite nodes in the graph.
Number of host nodes in the graph.
-e, --edgecount
Number of edges in the graph.
-n, --nsims []
Number of random samples to make. [default: 1000]
-c, --calculation []
The calculation to make. [default: nodf] [possible values: nodf, lpawbplus, dirtlpawbplus, degree-distribution, bivariate-distribution]
-h, --help
Print help information
## Oxygraphis..?
*Oxygraphis* is one of only 5-6 genera in the flowering plants which have *graph* included fully in the name. It's in the Ranunculaceae.