use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use num::Integer; use oxyroot; use std::any::type_name; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::fs; use std::process::Command; use test_log::test; const OUT_DIR: &str = "/tmp/rust/root_write/"; fn write_root_macro_for_simple_branch( out_file: &str, ty_cpp: &str, bname: &str, ) -> Result> { let macro_content = format!( r#" {{ TFile *f = new TFile("/tmp/rust/root_write/{}/{}/5.root"); TTree *t = (TTree*)f->Get("mytree"); cout << "SIZEOF({ty_cpp}) = " << sizeof({ty_cpp}) << endl; {ty_cpp} n = 0; t->SetBranchAddress("{bname}", &n); //cout << ">>ENTRIES: " << t->GetEntries() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < t->GetEntries(); i++) {{ t->GetEntry(i); cout <<">>"<< static_cast(n) << endl; }} f->Close(); }} "#, type_name::(), ty_cpp ); println!("write to {:?}", out_file); fs::write(out_file, macro_content)?; let out = Command::new("root").arg("-q").arg(out_file).output()?; eprintln!("err: {}", String::from_utf8(out.stderr)?); let out = String::from_utf8(out.stdout)?; println!("out: {out}"); let mut v = Vec::new(); for line in out.split("\n") { if !line.starts_with(">>") { continue; } let line = line.replace(">>", ""); let val = line.parse::().map_err(|_e| anyhow!("parse error:"))?; v.push(val); println!("line: {line}"); } Ok(v) } macro_rules! write_branch { ($ty:ty, $N:expr, $ty_cpp: expr) => {{ let tys = stringify!($ty); // let ty_cpps = stringify!($ty_cpp); let ns = stringify!($N); let out_dir = format!("{}/{}/{}", OUT_DIR, tys, $ty_cpp); fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; let out_file = format!("{}/{ns}.root", out_dir); fn gen_it() -> impl Iterator { (0..$N).map(|x| x as $ty) } { let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; let mut tree = oxyroot::WriterTree::new("mytree"); tree.new_branch(tys, gen_it()); tree.write(&mut f)?; f.close()?; } let out_macro = format!("{}/{ns}.C", out_dir); let v = write_root_macro_for_simple_branch::<$ty>(&out_macro, $ty_cpp, tys)?; for (_i, (r, w)) in v.into_iter().zip(gen_it()).enumerate() { assert_eq!(r, w); } }}; } // fn write_branch(ty: &str) -> Result<()> // { // let out_dir = format!("{}/{ty}", OUT_DIR); // fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; // let out_file = format!("{}/{N}.root", out_dir); // // let it = (0..N).map(|x| x as dyn Marshaler); // // { // let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; // let mut tree = oxyroot::Tree::new("mytree"); // // tree.new_branch(ty, it); // tree.write(&mut f)?; // f.close()?; // } // // let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::open(out_file)?; // let tree = f.get_tree("mytree")?; // let mut b = tree.branch(ty).unwrap().as_iter::(); // // let it = (0..N).map(|x| x as T); // // for (i, (r, w)) in { // assert_eq!(r, w); // } // // Ok(()) // } #[test] fn write_i32_branch_int() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i32, 5, "int"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_i32_branch_int32_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i32, 5, "int32_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_i32_branch_Int_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i32, 15, "Int_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_u32_branch_unsignedint() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u32, 15, "unsigned int"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_u32_branch_uint32_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u32, 15, "uint32_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_u32_branch_UInt_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u32, 15, "UInt_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_f32_branch_float() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(f32, 5, "float"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_f32_branch_Float_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(f32, 5, "Float_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_i16_branch_short() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i16, 5, "short"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_i16_branch_Short_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i16, 5, "Short_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_i16_branch_int16_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i16, 5, "int16_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_u16_branch_unsignedshort() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u16, 5, "unsigned short"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_u16_branch_uint16_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u16, 5, "uint16_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_u16_branch_UShort_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u16, 5, "UShort_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_i8_branch_Char_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i8, 5, "Char_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_i8_branch_char() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i8, 5, "char"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_u8_branch_unsignedchar() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u8, 5, "unsigned char"); // write_branch!(u8, 5, "uint8_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_u8_branch_UChar_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u8, 5, "UChar_t"); // write_branch!(u8, 5, "uint8_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_i64_branch_Long64_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i64, 5, "Long64_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_i64_branch_longlong() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(i64, 5, "long long"); Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn write_u64_branch_ULong64_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(u64, 5, "ULong64_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_f64_branch() -> Result<()> { write_branch!(f64, 5, "double"); Ok(()) } fn write_root_macro_for_vector_branch( out_file: &str, ty_cpp: &str, input_root: &str, ) -> Result>> { let macro_content = format!( r#" {{ TFile *f = new TFile("{input_root}"); TTree *t = (TTree*)f->Get("mytree"); cout << "SIZEOF({ty_cpp}) = " << sizeof({ty_cpp}) << endl; vector<{ty_cpp}> *v = 0; t->SetBranchAddress("vector", &v); //cout << ">>ENTRIES: " << t->GetEntries() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < t->GetEntries(); i++) {{ t->GetEntry(i); cout <<">>"<< v->size() << ";"; for (int j = 0; j < v->size(); j++) {{ cout << static_cast(v->at(j)) << " "; }} cout << endl; }} f->Close(); }} "#, ); println!("write to {:?}", out_file); fs::write(out_file, macro_content)?; let out = Command::new("root").arg("-q").arg(out_file).output()?; eprintln!("err: {}", String::from_utf8(out.stderr)?); let out = String::from_utf8(out.stdout)?; println!("out: {out}"); let mut v = Vec::new(); for line in out.split("\n") { if !line.starts_with(">>") { continue; } let line = line.replace(">>", ""); let (nentries, data) = line.split_once(";").unwrap(); let data = data.trim(); println!("data: {data}"); println!("nentries: {nentries}"); let mut datav: Vec = Vec::new(); for s in data.split(" ") { if s.is_empty() { continue; } println!("try to parse '{:?}'", s); let val = s.parse::().map_err(|_e| anyhow!("parse error:"))?; datav.push(val); } v.push(datav); println!("line: {line}"); } Ok(v) } macro_rules! write_branch_vector { ($ty_item:ty, $N:expr, $ty_cpp: expr) => {{ let ty = "vector"; let ty_item = stringify!($ty_item); let n = $N; let out_dir = format!("{}/{ty}/{ty_item}", OUT_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; let out_file = format!("{}/{n}.root", out_dir); fn make_vector(n: i32) -> Vec<$ty_item> { let mut ret = Vec::new(); for i in 0..n { ret.push(i as $ty_item); } ret } { let it = (0..n).map(|x| make_vector(x)); let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; let mut tree = oxyroot::WriterTree::new("mytree"); tree.new_branch(ty, it); tree.write(&mut f)?; f.close()?; } let out_macro = format!("{}/{n}.C", out_dir); let v = write_root_macro_for_vector_branch::<$ty_item>(&out_macro, $ty_cpp, &out_file)?; let it = (0..n).map(|x| make_vector(x)); for (_i, (r, w)) in v.into_iter().zip(it).enumerate() { assert_eq!(r, w); } }}; } #[test] fn write_vector_i32_int32_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch_vector!(i32, 50, "int32_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_vector_u32_uint32_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch_vector!(u32, 50, "uint32_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_vector_i16_int16_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch_vector!(i16, 50, "int16_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_vector_u16_uint16_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch_vector!(u16, 50, "uint16_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_vector_i8_int8_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch_vector!(i8, 50, "Char_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_vector_u8_uint8_t() -> Result<()> { write_branch_vector!(u8, 50, "UChar_t"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_bool_branch() -> Result<()> { let ty = "bool"; let n = 5; let out_dir = format!("{}/{ty}", OUT_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; let out_file = format!("{}/{n}.root", out_dir); { let it = (0..n).map(|x| x.is_even()); let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; let mut tree = oxyroot::WriterTree::new("mytree"); tree.new_branch(ty, it); tree.write(&mut f)?; f.close()?; } let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::open(out_file)?; let tree = f.get_tree("mytree")?; assert_eq!(tree.entries(), n.into()); let b = tree.branch(ty).unwrap().as_iter::()?; let it = (0..n).map(|x| x.is_even()); for (_i, (r, w)) in { assert_eq!(r, w); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_string_branch() -> Result<()> { let ty = "String"; let n = 5; let out_dir = format!("{}/{ty}", OUT_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; let out_file = format!("{}/{n}.root", out_dir); { let it = (0..n).map(|x| format!("string{}", x)); let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; let mut tree = oxyroot::WriterTree::new("mytree"); tree.new_branch(ty, it); tree.write(&mut f)?; f.close()?; } let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::open(out_file)?; let tree = f.get_tree("mytree")?; assert_eq!(tree.entries(), n.into()); let b = tree.branch(ty).unwrap().as_iter::()?; let it = (0..n).map(|x| format!("string{}", x)); for (_i, (r, w)) in { assert_eq!(r, w); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_variable_lenght_string_branch() -> Result<()> { let ty = "String_l"; let n = 500; let out_dir = format!("{}/{ty}", OUT_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; let out_file = format!("{}/{n}.root", out_dir); fn make_string(n: i32) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); for i in 0..n { s.push_str(&format!("string{}", i)); } s } { let it = (0..n).map(|x| make_string(x)); let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; let mut tree = oxyroot::WriterTree::new("mytree"); tree.new_branch(ty, it); tree.write(&mut f)?; f.close()?; } let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::open(out_file)?; let tree = f.get_tree("mytree")?; assert_eq!(tree.entries(), n.into()); let b = tree.branch(ty).unwrap().as_iter::()?; let it = (0..n).map(|x| make_string(x)); for (_i, (r, w)) in { assert_eq!(r, w); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_array_branch() -> Result<()> { let ty = "array"; let n = 15; let out_dir = format!("{}/{ty}", OUT_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir)?; let out_file = format!("{}/{n}.root", out_dir); fn make_string(n: i32) -> [i32; 5] { [n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4] } { let it = (0..n).map(|x| make_string(x)); let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::create(&out_file)?; let mut tree = oxyroot::WriterTree::new("mytree"); tree.new_branch(ty, it); tree.write(&mut f)?; f.close()?; } let mut f = oxyroot::RootFile::open(out_file)?; let tree = f.get_tree("mytree")?; assert_eq!(tree.entries(), n.into()); let b = tree.branch(ty).unwrap().as_iter::<[i32; 5]>()?; let it = (0..n).map(|x| make_string(x)); for (_i, (r, w)) in { assert_eq!(r, w); } Ok(()) }