# Rust API client for p7m-phone API for managing phone services This is the API of the service at P7M that manages phone services. **Attention:** this API will probably still change a lot in the future, it's not at all stable yet ## Overview This API client was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project. By using the [openapi-spec](https://openapis.org) from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client. - API version: 0.5.0 - Package version: 0.5.0 - Build package: `org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen` ## Installation Put the package under your project folder in a directory named `p7m-phone` and add the following to `Cargo.toml` under `[dependencies]`: ``` p7m-phone = { path = "./p7m-phone" } ``` ## Documentation for API Endpoints All URIs are relative to *https://yser.p7m.de/v1* Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- *BlockApi* | [**delete_block_by_id**](docs/BlockApi.md#delete_block_by_id) | **DELETE** /block/{id} | Delete a block by its ID *BlockApi* | [**get_block_by_id**](docs/BlockApi.md#get_block_by_id) | **GET** /block/{id} | Get a single block by its ID *BlockApi* | [**get_blocks**](docs/BlockApi.md#get_blocks) | **GET** /block | Get the list of all waiting queue blocks *BlockApi* | [**post_block**](docs/BlockApi.md#post_block) | **POST** /block | Create a new block for a waiting queue *BlockApi* | [**put_block_by_id**](docs/BlockApi.md#put_block_by_id) | **PUT** /block/{id} | Update an existing block *CallApi* | [**get_call_alarm**](docs/CallApi.md#get_call_alarm) | **GET** /call/alarm | Get the list of all alarm calls *CallApi* | [**get_call_alarm_by_callee_e164_unsecure**](docs/CallApi.md#get_call_alarm_by_callee_e164_unsecure) | **GET** /call/alarm/by-callee/{e164} | Get the alarm calls for a given telephone number *CallApi* | [**post_call_alarm**](docs/CallApi.md#post_call_alarm) | **POST** /call/alarm | Create a new alarm call *CallApi* | [**post_call_code**](docs/CallApi.md#post_call_code) | **POST** /call/code | RPC to trigger an outgoing call to send a PIN code to a user *CallApi* | [**put_call_alarm_id**](docs/CallApi.md#put_call_alarm_id) | **PUT** /call/alarm/{id} | Update the state of an existing alarm call *InternalApi* | [**check_pending_blocks**](docs/InternalApi.md#check_pending_blocks) | **GET** /block/check_pending | Internal call: check for blocks that are pending and have to be started/stopped *QueueApi* | [**delete_queue_openings_id**](docs/QueueApi.md#delete_queue_openings_id) | **DELETE** /queues/{qid}/openings/{qoid} | Delete a queue opening interval by its ID *QueueApi* | [**get_queue_opening**](docs/QueueApi.md#get_queue_opening) | **GET** /queues/{qid}/openings | Get the list of intervals where the waiting queue is opened *QueueApi* | [**get_queue_openings_id**](docs/QueueApi.md#get_queue_openings_id) | **GET** /queues/{qid}/openings/{qoid} | Get an opening interval by its ID *QueueApi* | [**post_queue_openings**](docs/QueueApi.md#post_queue_openings) | **POST** /queues/{qid}/openings | Create a new queue opening interval *QueueApi* | [**put_queue_openings_id**](docs/QueueApi.md#put_queue_openings_id) | **PUT** /queues/{qid}/openings/{qoid} | Update an existing queue opening interval *QueueApi* | [**queue**](docs/QueueApi.md#queue) | **GET** /queue | Get the list of all waiting queues *StatusApi* | [**status**](docs/StatusApi.md#status) | **GET** /status/{queue} | Get the current calls present in a queue ## Documentation For Models - [AlarmCall](docs/AlarmCall.md) - [AlarmCallData](docs/AlarmCallData.md) - [AlarmCallState](docs/AlarmCallState.md) - [AlarmCallUpdate](docs/AlarmCallUpdate.md) - [Block](docs/Block.md) - [CallState](docs/CallState.md) - [CodeCallRequest](docs/CodeCallRequest.md) - [CodeCallResult](docs/CodeCallResult.md) - [NewAlarmCall](docs/NewAlarmCall.md) - [NewBlock](docs/NewBlock.md) - [NewQueueOpening](docs/NewQueueOpening.md) - [Queue](docs/Queue.md) - [QueueCall](docs/QueueCall.md) - [QueueOpening](docs/QueueOpening.md) - [QueueOpeningData](docs/QueueOpeningData.md) - [WeekdayHoliday](docs/WeekdayHoliday.md) To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use: ``` cargo doc --open ``` ## Author tech@p7m.de