# pacpreview Helpful unified package info screen for pacman I was looking for a better info screen to use as the preview window for fzf over the pacman package list. ## Usage ### Standalone **pacpreview** *package_name* ### With fzf Add an alias to your bashrc or zshrc file: ```bash alias pacs="pacman -Slq | fzf --multi --preview 'pacpreview {1}' | xargs -ro sudo pacman -S" ``` Then run: `pacs` ![pacs screenshot](https://imgur.com/U0tDCsp.png) ## Examples ### Package is not installed: ``` core/linux-aarch64 5.11.1-1 The Linux Kernel and modules - AArch64 multi-platform Opt Depends: crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country [installed] Depends: coreutils [installed] linux-firmware [installed] kmod [installed] mkinitcpio 0.7 [installed] ``` ### Package is installed and up to date: ``` community/sway 1:1.5.1-1 [installed] Tiling Wayland compositor and replacement for the i3 window manager Installed Reason: explicit Opt Depends: alacritty: Terminal emulator used by the default config [installed] dmenu: Application launcher [installed] grim: Screenshot utility [installed] i3status: Status line mako: Lightweight notification daemon [installed] slurp: Select a region swayidle: Idle management daemon [installed] swaylock: Screen locker [installed] wallutils: Timed wallpapers waybar: Highly customizable bar [installed] xorg-server-xwayland: X11 support [satisfied by xorg-xwayland] Depends: cairo [installed] gdk-pixbuf2 [installed] json-c [installed] pango [installed] polkit [installed] pcre [installed] swaybg [installed] ttf-font [satisfied by noto-fonts] wlroots [installed] ``` ### Package is outdated ``` extra/gimp 2.10.22-2 [~installed] GNU Image Manipulation Program Installed Version: 2.10.22-1 Installed Reason: explicit Opt Depends: gutenprint: for sophisticated printing only as gimp has built-in cups print support poppler-glib: for pdf support [installed] alsa-lib: for MIDI event controller module [installed] curl: for URI support [installed] ghostscript: for postscript support [installed] Depends: babl [installed] dbus-glib [installed] desktop-file-utils [installed] gegl [installed] glib-networking [installed] hicolor-icon-theme [installed] openjpeg2 [installed] lcms2 [installed] libheif [installed] libexif [installed] libgudev [installed] libmng [installed] libmypaint [installed] librsvg [installed] libwebp [installed] libwmf [installed] libxmu [installed] libxpm [installed] mypaint-brushes1 [installed] openexr [installed] poppler-data [installed] gtk2 [installed] graphviz [installed] ```