#!/usr/bin/env groovy @Grab(group = 'com.github.zafarkhaja', module = 'java-semver', version = '0.9.0') import com.github.zafarkhaja.semver.Version def executeOnShell(String command, Closure closure = null) { executeOnShell(command, new File(System.properties.'user.dir'), closure) } def executeOnShell(String command, File workingDir, Closure closure = null) { println command def processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(['sh', '-c', command]) .directory(workingDir) if (closure) { processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true) } else { processBuilder.inheritIO() } def process = processBuilder.start() if (closure) { process.inputStream.eachLine closure } process.waitFor() if (process.exitValue() > 0) { System.exit(process.exitValue()) } } void ask(String prompt, String defaultValue = 'Y', Closure cl) { def promptValue = System.console().readLine(prompt + ' ').trim() if (promptValue.empty) { promptValue = defaultValue } if (promptValue.toUpperCase() == 'Y') { cl.call() } } executeOnShell 'git pull' ask('Execute Build?: [Y]') { executeOnShell 'cargo clean' executeOnShell 'cargo build' executeOnShell 'cargo test' } ask('Update repository index?: [Y]') { executeOnShell 'cp ../../../repository/repository.index .' executeOnShell 'git add repository.index' executeOnShell "git commit -m 'chore: update repository.index' || true" executeOnShell("git status") executeOnShell("git diff HEAD^..HEAD") } def projectProps = new File('Cargo.toml').text def versionMatch = projectProps =~ /(?m)version\s*=\s*"(.*)"/ def version = versionMatch[0][1] def prevTag = 'git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --match=pact-rust-driver-*'.execute().text.trim() def changelog = [] executeOnShell("git log --pretty='* %h - %s (%an, %ad)' ${prevTag}..HEAD .".toString()) { println it changelog << it } def releaseDesc = System.console().readLine('Describe this release: [Bugfix Release]').trim() if (releaseDesc.empty) { releaseDesc = 'Bugfix Release' } def releaseVer = System.console().readLine("What is the version for this release?: [$version]").trim() if (releaseVer.empty) { releaseVer = version } ask('Update Changelog?: [Y]') { def changeLogFile = new File('CHANGELOG.md') def changeLogFileLines = changeLogFile.readLines() changeLogFile.withPrintWriter() { p -> p.println(changeLogFileLines[0]) p.println() p.println("# $releaseVer - $releaseDesc") p.println() changelog.each { p.println(it) } changeLogFileLines[1..-1].each { p.println(it) } } executeOnShell("git add CHANGELOG.md") executeOnShell("git commit -m 'update changelog for release $releaseVer'") executeOnShell("git status") executeOnShell("git diff HEAD^..HEAD") } ask('Tag and Push commits?: [Y]') { executeOnShell 'git push' executeOnShell("git tag pact-rust-driver-v${releaseVer}") executeOnShell 'git push --tags' } ask('Publish library to crates.io?: [Y]') { executeOnShell 'cargo package' executeOnShell 'cargo publish' } def nextVer = Version.valueOf(releaseVer).incrementPatchVersion() ask("Bump version to $nextVer?: [Y]") { executeOnShell "sed -i -e 's/version = \"${releaseVer}\"/version = \"${nextVer}\"/' Cargo.toml" executeOnShell "sed -i -e 's/documentation = \"https:\\/\\/docs\\.rs\\/pact-plugin-driver\\/${releaseVer}\\/pact-plugin-driver\\/\"/documentation = \"https:\\/\\/docs\\.rs\\/pact-plugin-driver\\/${nextVer}\\/pact-plugin-driver\\/\"/' Cargo.toml" executeOnShell("cargo update") executeOnShell("git add Cargo.toml") executeOnShell("git add Cargo.lock") executeOnShell("git diff --cached") ask("Commit and push this change?: [Y]") { executeOnShell("git commit -m 'bump version to $nextVer'") executeOnShell("git push") } }