# pad-motion Implementation of Cemuhook gamepad motion protocol. Includes client and server. https://crates.io/crates/pad-motion ## gamepad and mouse server example You can download compiled example using first connected gamepad and mouse (used to emulate gyroscope data) as an input source, here: [gamepad-and-mouse-server.zip](https://github.com/zduny/pad_motion/releases/download/v0.1.1/gamepad-and-mouse-server.zip) If you need more help on how to run this example (and test if it's working), see [issue](https://github.com/zduny/pad-motion/issues/2). ## references [cemuhook-protocol](https://github.com/v1993/cemuhook-protocol) ## see also [Cemuhook](https://cemuhook.sshnuke.net/) [Cemuhook UDP Pad motion data provider setup](https://cemuhook.sshnuke.net/padudpserver.html) [Cemu Emulator](https://cemu.info/)