Feature: Pagination Canonicals
Scenario: By default, URLs in the meta should be updated to the self page
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the content:
Item 1
Item 2
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see a selector 'link' in "output/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | https://example.com/blog/ |
| rel | canonical |
Then I should see a selector 'meta' in "output/index.html" with the attributes:
| content | https://example.com/blog/ |
| property | og:url |
Then I should see a selector 'link' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | https://example.com/blog/page/2/ |
| rel | canonical |
Then I should see a selector 'meta' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| content | https://example.com/blog/page/2/ |
| property | og:url |