Feature: Pagination Controls
Scenario: If I have pagination controls, they should toggle when next/prev pages exist
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see "Next Page" in "output/index.html"
And I should see "Next Page" in "output/page/2/index.html"
And I should see "Previous Page" in "output/page/2/index.html"
And I should see "Previous Page" in "output/page/3/index.html"
But I should not see "Previous Page" in "output/index.html"
And I should not see "Next Page" in "output/page/3/index.html"
Scenario: If I have pagination controls, they should be given the correct hrefs
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | page/2/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../3/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../ |
| innerText | Previous Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/3/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../2/ |
| innerText | Previous Page |
Scenario: If I have a complex URL structure, my pagination hrefs should still be correct
Given I have a "source/red/blue/yellow/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/red/blue/yellow/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../page/2/test/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/red/page/2/test/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../3/test/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/red/page/2/test/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../../blue/yellow/ |
| innerText | Previous Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/red/page/3/test/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../2/test/ |
| innerText | Previous Page |
Scenario: If I have inverse pagination controls, they should hide when next/prev pages exist
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | page/2/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'span' in "output/index.html" with the attributes:
| innerText | No Previous |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../ |
| innerText | Previous Page |
Then I should see a selector 'span' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| innerText | No Next |
But I should not see "No Next" in "output/index.html"
And I should not see "No Previous" in "output/page/2/index.html"
# Prevent regression
Scenario: Pagination controls with no href should work
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | page/2/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../3/ |
| innerText | Next Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/2/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../../ |
| innerText | Previous Page |
Then I should see a selector 'a' in "output/page/3/index.html" with the attributes:
| href | ../2/ |
| innerText | Previous Page |