Feature: Pagination Controls
Scenario: If I run Pagebreak in place, my source files should be updated
Given I have a "dist/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak with options:
| source | dist |
| output | dist |
Then I should see "Item 1" in "dist/index.html"
But I should not see "Item 2" in "dist/index.html"
And I should see "Item 2" in "dist/page/2/index.html"
Scenario: If I run Pagebreak with a dest, all files should be moved
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
And I have a "source/extra.txt" file with the body:
Extra File
And I have a "source/inner/nested/file.md" file with the body:
# Inner
And I have a "source/plain.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see "Item 1" in "output/index.html"
And I should see "Plain" in "output/plain.html"
And I should see "Extra File" in "output/extra.txt"
And I should see "# Inner" in "output/inner/nested/file.md"
Scenario: If I run Pagebreak with a dest, the original files should remain
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
And I have a "source/extra.txt" file with the body:
Extra File
And I have a "source/inner/nested/file.md" file with the body:
# Inner
And I have a "source/plain.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see "Item 1" in "source/index.html"
And I should see "Plain" in "source/plain.html"
And I should see "Extra File" in "source/extra.txt"
And I should see "# Inner" in "source/inner/nested/file.md"
Scenario: If I run Pagebreak in place, existing files should be untouched
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
And I have a "source/extra.txt" file with the body:
Extra File
And I have a "source/inner/nested/file.md" file with the body:
# Inner
And I have a "source/plain.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak with options:
| source | source |
| output | source |
Then I should see "Item 1" in "source/index.html"
And I should see "Plain" in "source/plain.html"
And I should see "Extra File" in "source/extra.txt"
And I should see "# Inner" in "source/inner/nested/file.md"