Feature: Pagination Pages Scenario: If I have a data tag, I should get multiple pages Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body: """

Item 1

Item 2

""" When I run Pagebreak Then I should see the file "output/index.html" And I should see the file "output/page/2/index.html" And I should see "Item 1" in "output/index.html" And I should see "Item 2" in "output/page/2/index.html" But I should not see "Item 2" in "output/index.html" And I should not see "Item 1" in "output/page/2/index.html" Scenario: If my page size is larger than the number of items, I should still get my first page Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body: """

Item 1

Item 2

""" When I run Pagebreak Then I should see the file "output/index.html" And I should see "Item 1" in "output/index.html" And I should see "Item 2" in "output/index.html" But I should not see the file "output/page/2/index.html" Scenario: If my items aren't divisble, my last page should have the remaning items Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body: """

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

Item 5

""" When I run Pagebreak Then I should see the file "output/page/3/index.html" And I should see "Item 5" in "output/page/3/index.html" But I should not see "Item 4" in "output/page/3/index.html"