Feature: Pagination URLs
Scenario: If I specify a data-pagebreak-url, I should get custom URLs
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see the file "output/index.html"
And I should see the file "output/pb/2/j/index.html"
But I should not see the file "output/page/2/index.html"
Scenario: If I want a complex output location, I can use relative URL paths
Given I have a "source/red/blue/yellow/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see the file "output/red/blue/yellow/index.html"
And I should see the file "output/red/green/2/index.html"
Scenario: I should not have to specify a trailing slash on the data-pagebreak-url
Given I have a "source/index.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see the file "output/index.html"
And I should see the file "output/page/2/index.html"
But I should not see the file "output/page/2.html"
Scenario: If I provide a named HTML page, I should get a named pagination page
Given I have a "source/about.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see the file "output/about.html"
And I should see the file "output/about/page/2/index.html"
Scenario: If I provide a named HTML page without a trailing slash, I should get a named pagination page
Given I have a "source/about.html" file with the body:
When I run Pagebreak
Then I should see the file "output/about.html"
And I should see the file "output/about/page/2/index.html"
But I should not see the file "output/about/page/2.html"