use std::cell::RefCell; use cucumber::gherkin::Step; use cucumber::{given, then, when}; use kuchiki::iter::{Descendants, Elements, Select}; use kuchiki::traits::TendrilSink; use kuchiki::{Attributes, ElementData, NodeDataRef, NodeRef}; use crate::{PagebreakOptions, PagebreakWorld}; // GIVENS #[given(regex = "^I have an? (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') file with the content:$")] fn new_file(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, step: &Step, filename: String) { match &step.docstring { Some(contents) => { world.write_file(&filename, contents); } None => panic!("`{}` step expected a docstring", step.value), } } #[given(regex = "^I have an? (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') file with the body:$")] fn new_templated_file(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, step: &Step, filename: String) { match &step.docstring { Some(contents) => { world.write_file(&filename, &template_file(contents)); } None => panic!("`{}` step expected a docstring", step.value), } } // WHENS #[when("I run Pagebreak")] fn run_pagebreak(world: &mut PagebreakWorld) { let options = PagebreakOptions::default(); world.run_pagebreak(options); } #[when("I run Pagebreak with options:")] fn run_pagebreak_with_options(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, step: &Step) { match &step.table { Some(table) => { let options = PagebreakOptions::from(table); world.run_pagebreak(options); } None => panic!("`{}` step expected a docstring", step.value), } } // THENS #[then(regex = "^I should see (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') in (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|')$")] fn file_does_contain(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, expected: String, filename: String) { assert!(world.check_file_exists(&filename)); assert!(world.read_file(&filename).contains(&expected)); } #[then(regex = "^I should not see (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') in (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|')$")] fn file_does_not_contain(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, expected: String, filename: String) { assert!(world.check_file_exists(&filename)); assert!(!world.read_file(&filename).contains(&expected)); } #[then(regex = "^I should see the file (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|')$")] fn file_does_exist(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, filename: String) { assert!(world.check_file_exists(&filename)); } #[then(regex = "^I should not see the file (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|')$")] fn file_does_not_exist(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, filename: String) { assert!(!world.check_file_exists(&filename)); } #[then(regex = "^I should see a selector (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') in (?:\"|')(\\S*)(?:\"|')$")] fn selector_exists(world: &mut PagebreakWorld, selector: String, filename: String) { assert!(world.check_file_exists(&filename)); let parsed_file = parse_file(&world.read_file(&filename)); assert!(select_nodes(&parsed_file, &selector).next().is_some()); } #[then( regex = "^I should see a selector (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') in (?:\"|')(.*)(?:\"|') with the attributes:$" )] fn selector_attributes( world: &mut PagebreakWorld, step: &Step, selector: String, filename: String, ) { assert!(world.check_file_exists(&filename)); let parsed_file = parse_file(&world.read_file(&filename)); 'nodes: for node in select_nodes(&parsed_file, &selector) { let atts = node_attributes(&node); let attributes = atts.borrow_mut(); let rows = &step .table .as_ref() .expect("This step requires a table") .rows; for row in rows { let attribute_key = unescape_pipes(&row[0]); let value = match attribute_key.as_ref() { "innerText" => node.text_contents(), _ => { let value = attributes.get(attribute_key); match value { Some(value) => value.to_string(), None => continue 'nodes, } } }; if value != unescape_pipes(&row[1]) { continue 'nodes; } } for attribute in { let attribute_expected = rows .iter() .map(|row| &row[0]) .any(|x| x == &attribute.local.to_string()); if !attribute_expected { continue 'nodes; } } return; } panic!("No nodes found that exactly match all provided attributes"); } // HELPERS fn parse_file(html: &str) -> NodeRef { kuchiki::parse_html().one(html) } fn select_nodes(parsed_file: &NodeRef, selector: &str) -> Select> { parsed_file .select(selector) .expect("Valid selector was given") } fn node_attributes(node: &NodeDataRef) -> RefCell { node.as_node() .as_element() .expect("Given selector was an element") .attributes .clone() } fn unescape_pipes(table_value: &str) -> String { table_value.replace("\\PIPE", "|") } fn template_file(body_contents: &str) -> String { format!( r#" {} "#, body_contents ) }