//! Prints out all HTML elements from a page that were modified at least 4 times, then prints out
//! those nodes and their respective modifications sorted by timestamp.
use pagegraph::from_xml::read_from_file;
use pagegraph::types::NodeType;
fn main() {
let graph_file = std::env::args().skip(1).next().expect("Provide a path to a `.graphml` file");
let graph = read_from_file(&graph_file);
let html_elements = graph.filter_nodes(|node_type| {
match node_type {
NodeType::HtmlElement { .. } => true,
_ => false,
let mut heavily_modified_elements: Vec<_> = html_elements.iter().filter_map(|node| {
let num_modifications = graph.all_html_element_modifications(node.id).len();
if num_modifications >= 4 {
Some((node.id, num_modifications))
} else {
heavily_modified_elements.sort_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| b.cmp(a));
heavily_modified_elements.iter().rev().for_each(|(id, num)| {
println!("{:?} was modified {} times", id, num);
heavily_modified_elements.iter().map(|(id, _)| *id).for_each(|id| {
let modifications = graph.all_html_element_modifications(id);