use crate::{ audio::AudioPlayer, window::{Window, WindowBuilder}, }; use pagurus::{ audio::{AudioData, AudioSpec, SampleFormat}, event::{Event, StateEvent, TimeoutEvent}, failure::{Failure, OrFail}, spatial::Size, timeout::{TimeoutId, TimeoutTag}, video::{PixelFormat, VideoFrame, VideoFrameSpec}, ActionId, Result, System, }; use std::{ cmp::Reverse, collections::BinaryHeap, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::mpsc, time::{Duration, Instant, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WindowsSystemBuilder { data_dir: PathBuf, window: WindowBuilder, } impl WindowsSystemBuilder { pub fn new(title: &str) -> Self { Self { data_dir: PathBuf::from(WindowsSystem::DEFAULT_DATA_DIR), window: WindowBuilder::new(title), } } pub fn window_size(mut self, size: Option) -> Self { self.window = self.window.window_size(size); self } pub fn data_dir>(mut self, path: P) -> Self { self.data_dir = path.as_ref().to_path_buf(); self } pub fn build(self) -> Result { let window =; let io_request_tx = IoThread::spawn(window.event_tx()); Ok(WindowsSystem { window, audio_player: None, start: Instant::now(), timeout_queue: BinaryHeap::new(), io_request_tx, next_action_id: ActionId::new(0), next_timeout_id: TimeoutId::default(), data_dir: self.data_dir, }) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WindowsSystem { window: Window, audio_player: Option, start: Instant, timeout_queue: BinaryHeap>, io_request_tx: mpsc::Sender, next_action_id: ActionId, next_timeout_id: TimeoutId, data_dir: PathBuf, } impl WindowsSystem { pub const DEFAULT_DATA_DIR: &'static str = "data/"; pub fn next_event(&mut self) -> Event { loop { if let Some(&Reverse((timeout, event))) = self.timeout_queue.peek() { if timeout <= Instant::now() { self.timeout_queue.pop(); return Event::Timeout(event); } } let timeout = self.timeout_queue.peek().map(|x| x.0 .0); if let Some(event) = self.window.next_event(timeout) { return event; } } } pub fn window(&self) -> &Window { &self.window } fn state_file_path(&self, name: &str) -> PathBuf { self.data_dir.join(urlencoding::encode(name).as_ref()) } } impl System for WindowsSystem { fn video_init(&mut self, resolution: Size) -> VideoFrameSpec { let w = resolution.width; let stride = w + (4 - (w % 4)) % 4; VideoFrameSpec { pixel_format: PixelFormat::Bgr24, resolution, stride, } } fn video_draw(&mut self, frame: VideoFrame<&[u8]>) { self.window .draw_video_frame(frame) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{e}")); } fn audio_init(&mut self, sample_rate: u16, data_samples: usize) -> AudioSpec { let player = AudioPlayer::new(sample_rate, data_samples) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to initialize audio: {e}")); self.audio_player = Some(player); AudioSpec { sample_format: SampleFormat::I16Be, sample_rate, data_samples, } } fn audio_enqueue(&mut self, data: AudioData<&[u8]>) { if let Some(player) = &mut self.audio_player {|e| panic!("{e}")); } } fn console_log(message: &str) { eprintln!("{message}"); } fn clock_game_time(&self) -> Duration { self.start.elapsed() } fn clock_unix_time(&self) -> Duration { UNIX_EPOCH .elapsed() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to get UNIX timestamp: {e}")) } fn clock_set_timeout(&mut self, tag: TimeoutTag, timeout: Duration) -> TimeoutId { let id = self.next_timeout_id.increment(); self.timeout_queue.push(Reverse(( Instant::now() + timeout, TimeoutEvent { tag, id }, ))); id } fn state_save(&mut self, name: &str, data: &[u8]) -> ActionId { let id = self.next_action_id.get_and_increment(); let path = self.state_file_path(name); let data = data.to_owned(); self.io_request_tx .send(IoRequest::Write { id, path, data }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("I/O thread has terminated")); id } fn state_load(&mut self, name: &str) -> ActionId { let id = self.next_action_id.get_and_increment(); let path = self.state_file_path(name); self.io_request_tx .send(IoRequest::Read { id, path }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("I/O thread has terminated")); id } fn state_delete(&mut self, name: &str) -> ActionId { let id = self.next_action_id.get_and_increment(); let path = self.state_file_path(name); self.io_request_tx .send(IoRequest::Delete { id, path }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("I/O thread has terminated")); id } } struct IoThread { request_rx: mpsc::Receiver, event_tx: mpsc::Sender, } impl IoThread { fn spawn(event_tx: mpsc::Sender) -> mpsc::Sender { let (request_tx, request_rx) = mpsc::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut this = Self { request_rx, event_tx, }; while this.run_once() {} }); request_tx } fn run_once(&mut self) -> bool { match self.request_rx.recv() { Ok(IoRequest::Write { id, path, data }) => { self.handle_write(id, path, data); } Ok(IoRequest::Read { id, path }) => { self.handle_read(id, path); } Ok(IoRequest::Delete { id, path }) => { self.handle_delete(id, path); } Err(_) => return false, } true } fn handle_write(&mut self, id: ActionId, path: PathBuf, data: Vec) { let failed = (|| { if let Some(dir) = path.parent() { std::fs::create_dir_all(dir).or_fail()?; } std::fs::write(path, &data).or_fail()?; Ok(()) })() .err(); let event = Event::State(StateEvent::Saved { id, failed }); let _ = self.event_tx.send(event); } fn handle_read(&mut self, id: ActionId, path: PathBuf) { let (data, failed) = match std::fs::read(path) { Ok(data) => (Some(data), None), Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (None, None), Err(e) => (None, Some(Failure::new().message(e.to_string()))), }; let event = Event::State(StateEvent::Loaded { id, data, failed }); let _ = self.event_tx.send(event); } fn handle_delete(&mut self, id: ActionId, path: PathBuf) { let failed = std::fs::remove_file(path).err().and_then(|e| { (e.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound) .then(|| Failure::new().message(e.to_string())) }); let event = Event::State(StateEvent::Deleted { id, failed }); let _ = self.event_tx.send(event); } } #[derive(Debug)] enum IoRequest { Write { id: ActionId, path: PathBuf, data: Vec, }, Read { id: ActionId, path: PathBuf, }, Delete { id: ActionId, path: PathBuf, }, }