# Copy palette of one image to another Copies palette from source image to destination using different color spaces and statistics approach. ### Example ```rust let source = ImageReader::open("./assets/dwl.jpeg") .unwrap() .decode() .unwrap(); let source_dimensions = source.dimensions(); let destination = ImageReader::open("./assets/twl.jpeg") .unwrap() .decode() .unwrap(); let destination = destination.to_rgb8(); let destination_dimension = destination.dimensions(); let src = source.as_bytes(); let target = destination.as_bytes(); let mut dst = Vec::from(target); copy_palette_rgb( src, source_dimensions.0, source_dimensions.1, & mut dst, destination_dimension.0, destination_dimension.1, 1., TransferColorspace::OKLAB, ) .unwrap(); image::save_buffer( "converted_oklab.jpg", & dst, destination_dimension.0, destination_dimension.1, image::ExtendedColorType::Rgb8, ) .unwrap(); ``` #### Results example