use pallas_miniprotocols::{ blockfetch, chainsync::{self, NextResponse}, handshake::{self, Confirmation}, txsubmission::{self, Reply}, Point, }; use pallas_multiplexer::{bearers::Bearer, StdChannel, StdPlexer}; struct N2NChannels { channel2: StdChannel, channel3: StdChannel, channel4: StdChannel, } fn setup_n2n_client_connection() -> N2NChannels { let bearer = Bearer::connect_tcp("").unwrap(); let mut plexer = StdPlexer::new(bearer); let channel0 = plexer.use_channel(0); let channel2 = plexer.use_channel(2); let channel3 = plexer.use_channel(3); let channel4 = plexer.use_channel(4); plexer.muxer.spawn(); plexer.demuxer.spawn(); let mut client = handshake::N2NClient::new(channel0); let confirmation = client .handshake(handshake::n2n::VersionTable::v7_and_above(2)) .unwrap(); assert!(matches!(confirmation, Confirmation::Accepted(..))); if let Confirmation::Accepted(v, _) = confirmation { assert!(v >= 7); } N2NChannels { channel2, channel3, channel4, } } #[test] #[ignore] pub fn chainsync_history_happy_path() { let N2NChannels { channel2, .. } = setup_n2n_client_connection(); let known_point = Point::Specific( 1654413, hex::decode("7de1f036df5a133ce68a82877d14354d0ba6de7625ab918e75f3e2ecb29771c2").unwrap(), ); let mut client = chainsync::N2NClient::new(channel2); let (point, _) = client.find_intersect(vec![known_point.clone()]).unwrap(); assert!(matches!(client.state(), chainsync::State::Idle)); match point { Some(point) => assert_eq!(point, known_point.clone()), None => panic!("expected point"), } let next = client.request_next().unwrap(); match next { NextResponse::RollBackward(point, _) => assert_eq!(point, known_point.clone()), _ => panic!("expected rollback"), } assert!(matches!(client.state(), chainsync::State::Idle)); for _ in 0..10 { let next = client.request_next().unwrap(); match next { NextResponse::RollForward(_, _) => (), _ => panic!("expected roll-forward"), } assert!(matches!(client.state(), chainsync::State::Idle)); } client.send_done().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(client.state(), chainsync::State::Done)); } #[test] #[ignore] pub fn chainsync_tip_happy_path() { let N2NChannels { channel2, .. } = setup_n2n_client_connection(); let mut client = chainsync::N2NClient::new(channel2); client.intersect_tip().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(client.state(), chainsync::State::Idle)); let next = client.request_next().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(next, NextResponse::RollBackward(..))); let mut await_count = 0; for _ in 0..4 { let next = if client.has_agency() { client.request_next().unwrap() } else { await_count += 1; client.recv_while_must_reply().unwrap() }; match next { NextResponse::RollForward(_, _) => (), NextResponse::Await => (), _ => panic!("expected roll-forward or await"), } } assert!(await_count > 0, "tip was never reached"); client.send_done().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(client.state(), chainsync::State::Done)); } #[test] #[ignore] pub fn blockfetch_happy_path() { let N2NChannels { channel3, .. } = setup_n2n_client_connection(); let known_point = Point::Specific( 1654413, hex::decode("7de1f036df5a133ce68a82877d14354d0ba6de7625ab918e75f3e2ecb29771c2").unwrap(), ); let mut client = blockfetch::Client::new(channel3); let range_ok = client.request_range((known_point.clone(), known_point.clone())); assert!(matches!(client.state(), blockfetch::State::Streaming)); assert!(matches!(range_ok, Ok(_))); for _ in 0..1 { let next = client.recv_while_streaming().unwrap(); match next { Some(body) => assert_eq!(body.len(), 3251), _ => panic!("expected block body"), } assert!(matches!(client.state(), blockfetch::State::Streaming)); } let next = client.recv_while_streaming().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(next, None)); client.send_done().unwrap(); assert!(matches!(client.state(), blockfetch::State::Done)); } #[test] #[ignore] pub fn txsubmission_server_happy_path() { // TODO(pi): Note that the below doesn't work; we need a node to connect *to us* during the integration test // which seems awkward; // Alternatively, we can just set up both a client and server connecting to themselves for testing! let N2NChannels { channel4, .. } = setup_n2n_client_connection(); let mut server = txsubmission::Server::new(channel4); assert!(matches!(server.wait_for_init(), Ok(_))); assert!(matches!( server.acknowledge_and_request_tx_ids(false, 0, 3), Ok(_) )); let reply = server.receive_next_reply(); assert!(matches!(reply, Ok(Reply::TxIds(_)))); let Ok(Reply::TxIds(tx_ids)) = reply else { unreachable!() }; assert!(tx_ids.len() <= 3); assert!(matches!( server.request_txs(tx_ids.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()), Ok(_) )); let reply = server.receive_next_reply(); assert!(matches!(reply, Ok(Reply::Txs(_)))); let Ok(Reply::Txs(first_txs)) = reply else { unreachable!() }; assert!(matches!( server.acknowledge_and_request_tx_ids(false, 1, 3), Ok(_) )); let reply = server.receive_next_reply(); assert!(matches!(reply, Ok(Reply::Txs(_)))); let Ok(Reply::Txs(second_txs)) = reply else { unreachable!() }; // Make sure we receive the second and third tx again, indicating we sent the `acknowledge 1` bit correctly assert_eq!(second_txs[0], first_txs[1]); assert_eq!(second_txs[1], first_txs[2]); assert!(matches!( server.acknowledge_and_request_tx_ids(true, 3, 3), Ok(_) )); match server.receive_next_reply() { Ok(Reply::Done) => return, // Server aint havin none of our sh*t Ok(Reply::TxIds(tx_ids)) => assert_eq!(tx_ids.len(), 3), Ok(_) | Err(_) => assert!(false), } }