[![Compatible with Substrate v2.0.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/Substrate-v2.0.0-E6007A)](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/releases/tag/v2.0.0) # Commodities FRAME Pallet: NFTs for Substrate This is a [FRAME](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/frame) pallet that defines and implements an interface for managing a set of [non-fungible tokens (NFTs)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token). Assets have an owner and can be created, destroyed and transferred. ## Interface This package defines [a public trait](src/nft.rs) (Rust interface) for working with NFTs: the `UniqueAssets` trait. ## `UniqueAssets` Trait This trait is generic with respect to a type that is used to identify asset owners - the `AccountId` type. Assets with equivalent attributes (as defined by the `AssetInfo` type) **must** have equal `AssetId`s and assets with different `AssetId`s **must not** have equivalent attributes. ### Types - `AssetId`: a URI for an asset - `AssetInfo`: a set of attributes that uniquely describes an asset - `AssetLimit`: the maximum number of assets, expressed as an unsigned 128-bit integer, that may exist in this set at once - `UserAssetLimit`: the maximum number of assets, expressed as an unsigned 64-bit integer, that any single account may own from this set at once ### Functions - `total() -> u128`: returns the total number of assets in this set of assets - `burned() -> u128`: returns the total number of assets from this set that have been burned - `total_for_account(AccountId) -> u64`: returns the total number of asset from this set that are owned by a given account - `assets_for_account(AccountId) -> Vec<(AssetId, AssetInfo)>`: returns the list of assets from this set that are owned by a given account - `owner_of(AssetId) -> AccountId`: returns the ID of the account that owns the given asset from this set - `mint(AccountId, AssetInfo) -> Result`: use the given attributes to create a new unique asset that belongs to this set and assign ownership of it to the given account - Failure cases: asset duplication, asset limit reached for set, asset limit for this set reached for account - `burn(AssetId) -> DispatchResult`: destroy the given asset - Failure cases: asset doesn't exist - `transfer(AccountId, AssetId) -> DispatchResult`: transfer ownership of the given asset from this set from its current owner to a given target account - Failure cases: asset doesn't exist, asset limit for this set reached for target account ## Reference Implementation The [reference implementation](src/lib.rs) defined in this project is referred to as a "commodity" - a unique asset that is designed for frequent trading. In order to optimize for this use case, _sorted_ lists of assets are stored per owner. Although maintaining a sorted list is trivial with Rust vectors, which implement a binary search API that can be used for sorted insertion, it introduces significant overhead when an asset is _created_ because the entire list must be decoded from the backing trie in order to insert the new asset in the correct spot. Maintaining a sorted asset list is desireable for the commodity use case, however, because it allows assets to be efficiently located when destroying or transferring them. An alternative implementation, the Keepsake pallet, is in the works :rocket: ## Tests Refer to the [mock runtime](src/mock.rs) and [provided tests](src/tests.rs) to see the NFT implementation in action. ## Test Project In order to help develop this pallet, it is being consumed by [a test project](https://github.com/danforbes/substratekitties) - a work-in-progress update to [the original Substratekitties tutorial](https://github.com/shawntabrizi/substratekitties). ## Acknowledgements This project was inspired by works such as the following: - [The ERC-721 specification](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721) - [OpenZeppelin's ERC-721 implementation](https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/tree/master/contracts/token/ERC721) - [the original Substratekitties project](https://www.shawntabrizi.com/substrate-collectables-workshop/#/), by [@shawntabrizi](https://github.com/shawntabrizi/) - [Substratekitties from SubstrateCourse](https://github.com/SubstrateCourse/substrate-kitties), by [@xlc](https://github.com/xlc/) Thanks to the following people who helped me overcome my relatively limited understanding of Rust. - [@JoshOrndoff](https://github.com/JoshOrndorff/) - [@riusricardo](https://github.com/riusricardo/) - [@rphmeier](https://github.com/rphmeier/) - [@thiolliere](https://github.com/thiolliere/) - [@gnunicorn](https://github.com/gnunicorn/) ## Upstream This project was forked from [the Substrate DevHub Pallet Template](https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub/substrate-pallet-template).