# Basic Example Pallet The Example: A simple example of a FRAME pallet demonstrating concepts, APIs and structures common to most FRAME runtimes. Run `cargo doc --package pallet-example-basic --open` to view this pallet's documentation. **This pallet serves as an example and is not meant to be used in production.** ## Documentation Guidelines ### Documentation Template:
Copy and paste this template from frame/examples/basic/src/lib.rs into file `frame//src/lib.rs` of your own custom pallet and complete it.

// Add heading with custom pallet name

\#  Pallet

// Add simple description

// Include the following links that shows what trait needs to be implemented to use the pallet
// and the supported dispatchables that are documented in the Call enum.

- \[`::Config`](https://docs.rs/pallet-example-basic/latest/pallet_example_basic/trait.Config.html)
- \[`Call`](https://docs.rs/pallet-example-basic/latest/pallet_example_basic/enum.Call.html)
- \[`Module`](https://docs.rs/pallet-example-basic/latest/pallet_example_basic/struct.Module.html)

\## Overview

// Short description of pallet's purpose.
// Links to Traits that should be implemented.
// What this pallet is for.
// What functionality the pallet provides.
// When to use the pallet (use case examples).
// How it is used.
// Inputs it uses and the source of each input.
// Outputs it produces.

\## Terminology

// Add terminology used in the custom pallet. Include concepts, storage items, or actions that you think
// deserve to be noted to give context to the rest of the documentation or pallet usage. The author needs to
// use some judgment about what is included. We don't want a list of every storage item nor types - the user
// can go to the code for that. For example, "transfer fee" is obvious and should not be included, but
// "free balance" and "reserved balance" should be noted to give context to the pallet.
// Please do not link to outside resources. The reference docs should be the ultimate source of truth.

\## Goals

// Add goals that the custom pallet is designed to achieve.

\### Scenarios


// Describe requirements prior to interacting with the custom pallet.
// Describe the process of interacting with the custom pallet for this scenario and public API functions used.

\## Interface

\### Supported Origins

// What origins are used and supported in this pallet (root, signed, none)
// i.e. root when \`ensure_root\` used
// i.e. none when \`ensure_none\` used
// i.e. signed when \`ensure_signed\` used


\### Types

// Type aliases. Include any associated types and where the user would typically define them.


// Reference documentation of aspects such as `storageItems` and `dispatchable` functions should only be
// included in the https://docs.rs Rustdocs for Substrate and not repeated in the README file.

\### Dispatchable Functions

// A brief description of dispatchable functions and a link to the rustdoc with their actual documentation.

// MUST have link to Call enum
// MUST have origin information included in function doc
// CAN have more info up to the user

\### Public Functions

// A link to the rustdoc and any notes about usage in the pallet, not for specific functions.
// For example, in the Balances Pallet: "Note that when using the publicly exposed functions,
// you (the runtime developer) are responsible for implementing any necessary checks
// (e.g. that the sender is the signer) before calling a function that will affect storage."

// It is up to the writer of the respective pallet (with respect to how much information to provide).

\#### Public Inspection functions - Immutable (getters)

// Insert a subheading for each getter function signature

\##### \`example_getter_name()\`

// What it returns
// Why, when, and how often to call it
// When it could panic or error
// When safety issues to consider

\#### Public Mutable functions (changing state)

// Insert a subheading for each setter function signature

\##### \`example_setter_name(origin, parameter_name: T::ExampleType)\`

// What state it changes
// Why, when, and how often to call it
// When it could panic or error
// When safety issues to consider
// What parameter values are valid and why

\### Storage Items

// Explain any storage items included in this pallet

\### Digest Items

// Explain any digest items included in this pallet

\### Inherent Data

// Explain what inherent data (if any) is defined in the pallet and any other related types

\### Events:

// Insert events for this pallet if any

\### Errors:

// Explain what generates errors

\## Usage

// Insert 2-3 examples of usage and code snippets that show how to
// use  Pallet in a custom pallet.

\### Prerequisites

// Show how to include necessary imports for  and derive
// your pallet configuration trait with the `INSERT_CUSTOM_PALLET_NAME` trait.

use ;

pub trait Config: ::Config { }

\### Simple Code Snippet

// Show a simple example (e.g. how to query a public getter function of )

\### Example from FRAME

// Show a usage example in an actual runtime

// See:
// - Substrate TCR https://github.com/parity-samples/substrate-tcr
// - Substrate Kitties https://shawntabrizi.github.io/substrate-collectables-workshop/#/

\## Genesis Config

\## Dependencies

// Dependencies on other FRAME pallets and the genesis config should be mentioned,
// but not the Rust Standard Library.
// Genesis configuration modifications that may be made to incorporate this pallet
// Interaction with other pallets

\## Related Pallets

// Interaction with other pallets in the form of a bullet point list

\## References

// Links to reference material, if applicable. For example, Phragmen, W3F research, etc.
// that the implementation is based on.

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