# Substrate IBC Pallet (work in progress) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/pallet-ibc.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/pallet-ibc) [![Released API docs](https://docs.rs/pallet-ibc/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/pallet-ibc) This project is [funded by Interchain Foundation](https://interchain-io.medium.com/ibc-on-substrate-with-cdot-a7025e521028). ## Purpose This pallet implements the standard [IBC protocol](https://github.com/cosmos/ics). The goal of this pallet is to allow the blockchains built on Substrate to gain the ability to interact with other chains in a trustless way via IBC protocol, no matter what consensus the counterparty chains use. This project is currently in an early stage and will eventually be submitted to upstream. Some components in [ICS spec](https://github.com/cosmos/ics/tree/master/spec) are implemented to support a working demo (https://github.com/cdot-network/ibc-demo), but not fully implemented as the spec: * ics-002-client-semantics * ics-003-connection-semantics * ics-004-channel-and-packet-semantics * ics-005-port-allocation * ics-010-grandpa-client * ics-018-relayer-algorithms * ics-025-handler-interface * ics-026-routing-module Here is a [demo](https://github.com/cdot-network/ibc-demo) for showing how to utilize this pallet, which initializes a series of steps for cross-chain communication, from client creation to sending packet data. ## Dependencies ### Traits This pallet does not depend on any externally defined traits. ### Pallets This pallet does not depend on any other FRAME pallet or externally developed modules. ## Installation ### Runtime `Cargo.toml` To add this pallet to your runtime, simply include the following to your runtime's `Cargo.toml` file: ```TOML [dependencies.pallet-ibc] default_features = false git = 'https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc.git' ``` and update your runtime's `std` feature to include this pallet: ```TOML std = [ # --snip-- 'pallet-ibc/std', ] ``` ### Runtime `lib.rs` A custom structure that implements the pallet_ibc::ModuleCallbacks must be defined to dispatch messages to receiving module. ```rust pub struct ModuleCallbacksImpl; impl pallet_ibc::ModuleCallbacks for ModuleCallbacksImpl { # --snip-- } ``` You should implement it's trait like so: ```rust /// Used for test_module impl pallet_ibc::Trait for Runtime { type Event = Event; type ModuleCallbacks = ModuleCallbacksImpl; } ``` and include it in your `construct_runtime!` macro: ```rust Ibc: pallet_ibc::{Module, Call, Storage, Event}, ``` ### Genesis Configuration This pallet does not have any genesis configuration. ## How to Interact with the Pallet ### At Runtime In the ibc-demo repo, substrate-subxt invokes the pallet's callable functions by the macro ```substrate_subxt_proc_macro::Call```. Let's take the function ```test_create_client``` as an example. [Client](https://docs.rs/substrate-subxt/0.12.0/substrate_subxt/struct.Client.html) extends the function ```rust // in https://github.com/cdot-network/ibc-demo/blob/master/pallets/template/src/lib.rs pub fn test_create_client( origin, identifier: H256, height: u32, set_id: SetId, authorities: AuthorityList, root: H256 ) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { ... } ``` by ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/ibc-demo/blob/master/calls/src/template.rs #[derive(Encode, Call)] pub struct TestCreateClientCall { pub _runtime: PhantomData, pub identifier: H256, pub height: u32, pub set_id: SetId, pub authority_list: AuthorityList, pub root: H256, } ``` Therefore, ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/ibc-demo/blob/master/cli/src/main.rs client .test_create_client(...) ``` can invoke the ```test_create_client``` function. Please refer to document [substrate_subxt_proc_macro::Call](https://docs.rs/substrate-subxt-proc-macro/0.12.0/substrate_subxt_proc_macro/derive.Call.html) for details. ### At Unit Test In unit test, we comply with the substrate's document [Runtime Tests](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/tests). The mock enviroment is built in [mock.rs](src/mock.rs); In [tests.rs](src/tests.rs), the pallet's callable functions are tested. ## Implementation Logic in Source Code ### Synchronizing Block Headers of Other Chains * Relayers send latest block headers of other chains to ibc pallet by invoking the ```Datagram::ClientUpdate``` arm: ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { Datagram::ClientUpdate { identifier, header } => { // <--- "Datagram::ClientUpdate" will be matached ``` * If verified, the incoming block header's commitment_root and block height is inserted to storage ```ConsensusStates```. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs ConsensusStates::insert((identifier, header.height), new_consensus_state); ``` ### Connection Opening Handshakes - ICS-003 As the table in [Opening Handshake](https://github.com/cosmos/ics/tree/master/spec/ics-003-connection-semantics#opening-handshake), the handshakes between 2 chains(A & B) comprises 4 steps. | Initiator | Datagram | Chain acted upon | Prior state (A, B) | Posterior state (A, B) | | --------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------- | | Actor | `ConnOpenInit` | A | (none, none) | (INIT, none) | | Relayer | `ConnOpenTry` | B | (INIT, none) | (INIT, TRYOPEN) | | Relayer | `ConnOpenAck` | A | (INIT, TRYOPEN) | (OPEN, TRYOPEN) | | Relayer | `ConnOpenConfirm` | B | (OPEN, TRYOPEN) | (OPEN, OPEN) | #### (none, none) -> (INIT, none) It's done by an actor, who invokes the function ```conn_open_init``` in Chain A. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn conn_open_init( identifier: H256, desired_counterparty_connection_identifier: H256, client_id: H256, counterparty_client_id: H256, ) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { ... } ``` #### (INIT, none) -> (INIT, TRYOPEN) The relayer detects the ```INIT``` state of chain A's connection, then try to set chain B's connection's state to ```TRYOPEN``` by invoking the chain B's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, whose arm ```Datagram::ConnOpenTry``` will be matached. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::ConnOpenTry { ... } ``` #### (INIT, TRYOPEN) -> (OPEN, TRYOPEN) The relayer detects the ```TRYOPEN``` of chain B's connection, then try to set chain A's connection's state to ```OPEN``` by invoking the chain A's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, whose arm ```Datagram::ConnOpenAck``` will be matached. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::ConnOpenAck { ... } ``` #### (OPEN, TRYOPEN) -> (OPEN, OPEN) The relayer detects the ```OPEN``` of chain A's connection, then try to set chain B's connection's state to ```OPEN``` by invoking the chain B's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, whose arm ```Datagram::ConnOpenConfirm``` will be matached. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::ConnOpenConfirm { ... } ``` ### Channel Opening Handshakes - ICS-004 After the 2 chains(A & B) finish connection handshakes, they are able to build a channel by handshakes on the connection. As the table in [Channel lifecycle management](https://github.com/cosmos/ics/tree/master/spec/ics-004-channel-and-packet-semantics#channel-lifecycle-management), the handshakes between 2 chains(A & B) comprises 4 steps. | Initiator | Datagram | Chain acted upon | Prior state (A, B) | Posterior state (A, B) | | --------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------- | | Actor | ChanOpenInit | A | (none, none) | (INIT, none) | | Relayer | ChanOpenTry | B | (INIT, none) | (INIT, TRYOPEN) | | Relayer | ChanOpenAck | A | (INIT, TRYOPEN) | (OPEN, TRYOPEN) | | Relayer | ChanOpenConfirm | B | (OPEN, TRYOPEN) | (OPEN, OPEN) | #### (none, none) -> (INIT, none) It's done by an actor, who invokes the function ```chan_open_init``` in Chain A. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn chan_open_init( ... ) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { ... } ``` #### (INIT, none) -> (INIT, TRYOPEN) The relayer detects the ```INIT``` state of chain A's channel, then try to set chain B's channel's state to ```TRYOPEN``` by invoking the chain B's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, whose arm ```Datagram::ChanOpenTry``` will be matached. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::ChanOpenTry { ... } ``` #### (INIT, TRYOPEN) -> (OPEN, TRYOPEN) The relayer detects the ```TRYOPEN``` of chain B's channel, then try to set chain A's channel's state to ```OPEN``` by invoking the chain A's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, whose arm ```Datagram::ChanOpenAck``` will be matached. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::ChanOpenAck { ... } ``` #### (OPEN, TRYOPEN) -> (OPEN, OPEN) The relayer detects the ```OPEN``` of chain A's channel, then try to set chain B's channel's state to ```OPEN``` by invoking the chain B's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, whose arm ```Datagram::ChanOpenConfirm``` will be matached. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::ChanOpenConfirm { ... } ``` ### Packet Flow & Handling - ICS-004 After the 2 chains(A & B) finish channel handshakes, they are able to send packets to each other on the channel. As the flowchart in [Packet flow & handling](https://github.com/cosmos/ics/tree/master/spec/ics-004-channel-and-packet-semantics#packet-flow--handling), the standard flow of sending a packet from chain A to chain B comprises 3 steps. #### Sending a Packet The callable function ```send_packet``` in Chain A's ibc pallet sends a packet by depositing an ```RawEvent::SendPacket``` event. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn send_packet(packet: Packet) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { ... Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::SendPacket( ... )); } ``` #### Receiving a Packet and Writing an Acknowledgement The relayer detects chain A's ```RawEvent::SendPacket``` event, then try to call chain B's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, and match its arm ```Datagram::PacketRecv```, for chain B to receive the packet. After receiving the packet, chain B deposits an event ```RawEvent::RecvPacket``` as acknowledgement. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::PacketRecv { ... Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RecvPacket( ... )); } ``` #### Processing an Acknowledgement The relayer detects chain B's ```RawEvent::RecvPacket``` event, then try to call chain A's function ```pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram)```, and match its arm ```Datagram::PacketAcknowledgement```, for chain A to process the acknowledgement. ```rust // https://github.com/cdot-network/substrate-ibc/blob/master/src/lib.rs pub fn handle_datagram(datagram: Datagram) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { match datagram { ... Datagram::PacketAcknowledgement { ... } ``` ## Reference Docs You can view the reference docs for this pallet by running: ``` cargo doc --open ``` or by visiting this site: https://docs.rs/pallet-ibc