# Palloc
Portable linked-list allocator for embedded / baremetal systems.
### Using the crate
Include this in the `[dependencies]` section of `Cargo.toml`
palloc = "0.1.0"
This crate uses **unstable features** of Rust, so it requires the `nightly` update channel. Update the toolchain
for your project folder with:
rustup override set nightly
### Crate features
- `spin` (default): provides a GlobalAllocator implementation using a [spin lock](https://crates.io/crates/spin).
- `allocator_api` (default): enables the Allocator trait and implements it on all global allocators.
### Example
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use palloc::{GlobalPalloc, SpinPalloc};
// the allocator is initialized using a const empty function, but it is
// not ready yet, we must initialize it first in main.
static mut ALLOCATOR: SpinPalloc = SpinPalloc::empty();
fn main() {
// First of all we must define the bounds of our heap. Check
// Palloc or GlobalPalloc documentation for informations.
// Heap starting address
let heap_start = 0x8000 as *mut u8;
// Heap size
let heap_size = 0xF000;
// accessing statics is an unsafe operation
// so it must be sorrounded by an unsafe block
unsafe { ALLOCATOR.init(NonNull::new(heap_start).unwrap(), heap_size) };
// we can now use the heap!
// ...
### Documentation
Everything you need to know is already written in the rustdocs.
Click on the badge under the readme's title or [click here](https://docs.rs/palloc) to read the full