use reqwest; use std::{fs::File, io::{Read, Write}}; // This build script downloads the pandoc.wasm file from the internet and saves it to the target directory. // The build script will only run if the pandoc.wasm file does not exist in the target directory. const SOURCE_URL: &str = ""; // error that could be std:io::Error or reqwest::Error type Error = Box; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/"); let target_file = std::env::var("OUT_DIR")? + "/pandoc.wasm"; if std::path::Path::new(&target_file).exists() { return Ok(()); } let mut pandoc_wasm = reqwest::blocking::get(SOURCE_URL)?; let mut pandoc_wasm_bytes = Vec::new(); pandoc_wasm.read_to_end(&mut pandoc_wasm_bytes)?; let mut pandc_wasm_file = File::create(target_file)?; pandc_wasm_file.write_all(&pandoc_wasm_bytes)?; Ok(()) }