use panfix::{pattern, Grammar, GrammarError, ParseError, Parser, Source, Visitor}; use std::fmt; use std::mem; fn make_parser() -> Result { let mut grammar = Grammar::new_with_unicode_whitespace()?; grammar.regex("id", "[a-zA-Z]+")?; grammar.regex("num", "[+-]?[0-9]+")?; grammar.op("block", pattern!("{" "}"))?; grammar.op("group", pattern!("(" ")"))?; grammar.left_assoc(); grammar.op("call", pattern!(_ "(" ")"))?; grammar.left_assoc(); grammar.op("plus", pattern!(_ "+" _))?; grammar.left_assoc(); grammar.op("lt", pattern!(_ "<" _))?; grammar.op("gt", pattern!(_ ">" _))?; grammar.op("eq", pattern!(_ "==" _))?; grammar.right_assoc(); grammar.op("if", pattern!("if" "{" "}"))?; grammar.op("else", pattern!(_ "else" _))?; grammar.left_assoc(); grammar.op("args", pattern!(_ "," _))?; grammar.left_assoc(); grammar.op("let", pattern!("let" "=" "in" _))?; grammar.op("func", pattern!("fn" "(" ")" "{" "}" ";" _))?; grammar.finish() } #[derive(Debug)] enum Expr { Id(String), Num(i32), Binop(Binop, Box, Box), /// list of (conditional, consequence) IfChain(Vec<(Expr, Expr)>), /// Function call Call(Box, Box), /// let id = val in body Let(String, Box, Box), } #[derive(Debug)] enum Binop { Plus, Lt, Gt, Eq, } impl fmt::Display for Expr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Expr::Id(id) => write!(f, "{}", id), Expr::Num(n) => write!(f, "{}", n), Expr::Binop(op, left, right) => { let op = match op { Binop::Lt => "<", Binop::Gt => ">", Binop::Eq => "==", Binop::Plus => "+", }; write!(f, "({} {} {})", op, left, right) } Expr::Call(func, arg) => write!(f, "(call {} {})", func, arg), Expr::IfChain(clauses) => { write!(f, "(if")?; for (cond, consq) in clauses { write!(f, " [{} {}]", cond, consq)?; } write!(f, ")") } Expr::Let(id, val, body) => { write!(f, "(let {} {} {})", id, val, body) } } } } struct Traverser<'s> { errors: Vec>, } impl<'s> Traverser<'s> { fn new() -> Traverser<'s> { Traverser { errors: vec![] } } fn parse(mut self, visitor: Visitor<'s, '_, '_>) -> Result>> { match self.parse_expr(visitor) { Ok(expr) => Ok(expr), Err(()) => Err(mem::take(&mut self.errors)), } } fn parse_id(&mut self, visitor: Visitor<'s, '_, '_>) -> Result { match { "id" => Ok(visitor.source().to_owned()), _ => self.error(visitor, "Expected an identifier."), } } fn parse_expr(&mut self, visitor: Visitor<'s, '_, '_>) -> Result { match { // TODO: num error "Blank" => self.error(visitor, "Expected an expression, but found nothing."), "Juxtapose" => self.error(visitor, "Found two expressions with nothing to join them."), "id" => Ok(Expr::Id(visitor.source().to_owned())), "num" => Ok(Expr::Num(visitor.source().parse::().unwrap())), "lt" | "gt" | "eq" | "plus" => { let comparison = match { "lt" => Binop::Lt, "gt" => Binop::Gt, "eq" => Binop::Eq, "plus" => Binop::Plus, _ => unreachable!(), }; let [left, right] = visitor.children(); let left = self.parse_expr(left); let right = self.parse_expr(right); Ok(Expr::Binop(comparison, Box::new(left?), Box::new(right?))) } "group" | "block" => { let [child] = visitor.children(); self.parse_expr(child) } "call" => { let [func, arg] = visitor.children(); let func = self.parse_expr(func); let arg = self.parse_expr(arg); Ok(Expr::Call(Box::new(func?), Box::new(arg?))) } "if" => { let [cond, consq] = visitor.children(); let cond = self.parse_expr(cond); let consq = self.parse_expr(consq); Ok(Expr::IfChain(vec![(cond?, consq?)])) } "else" => { let mut clauses = visitor; let mut chain = vec![]; while == "else" { let [ifclause, else_clauses] = clauses.children(); if != "if" { return self.error_at_token( clauses, "An 'else' may only come after an 'if', but this 'else' is on its own.", ); } clauses = else_clauses; let [cond, consq] = ifclause.children(); let cond = self.parse_expr(cond); let consq = self.parse_expr(consq); chain.push((cond?, consq?)); } if != "block" { return self.error( clauses, "An 'else' must be followed by braces '{...}', but this 'else' was not.", ); } let [final_else] = clauses.children(); let final_else = self.parse_expr(final_else); chain.push((Expr::Id("true".to_string()), final_else?)); Ok(Expr::IfChain(chain)) } "let" => { let [id, val, body] = visitor.children(); let id = self.parse_id(id); let val = self.parse_expr(val); let body = self.parse_expr(body); Ok(Expr::Let(id?, Box::new(val?), Box::new(body?))) } op => panic!("missing op case {}", op), } } fn error(&mut self, visitor: Visitor<'s, '_, '_>, message: &str) -> Result { self.errors.push(visitor.error(message)); Err(()) } fn error_at_token(&mut self, visitor: Visitor<'s, '_, '_>, message: &str) -> Result { self.errors.push(visitor.error_at_token(message)); Err(()) } } #[track_caller] fn parse_to_string(parser: &Parser, src: &str) -> String { use std::fmt::Write; let source = Source::new("testcase", src.to_owned()); match parser.parse(&source) { Ok(tree) => { let traverser = Traverser::new(); match traverser.parse(tree.visitor()) { Ok(expr) => format!("{}", expr), Err(errors) => { let mut out = String::new(); let mut errors = errors.into_iter(); write!(&mut out, "{}",; for err in errors { write!(&mut out, "\n{}", err).unwrap(); } out } } } Err(err) => format!("{}", err), } } #[track_caller] fn test(parser: &Parser, src: &str, expected: &str) { let actual = parse_to_string(parser, src); if actual != expected { print!("ACTUAL:\n{}", actual); print!("EXPECTED:\n{}", expected); println!("END"); panic!("test case failed"); } } #[test] fn test_parsing_parens() { let parser = make_parser().unwrap(); test(&parser, "f(x)", "(call f x)"); assert_eq!(parse_to_string(&parser, "x < y"), "(< x y)"); assert_eq!(parse_to_string(&parser, "x < y < z"), "(< (< x y) z)"); assert_eq!(parse_to_string(&parser, "x < (y < z)"), "(< x (< y z))"); assert_eq!(parse_to_string(&parser, "f(x)(y)"), "(call (call f x) y)"); } #[test] fn test_parsing_if() { let parser = make_parser().unwrap(); assert_eq!(parse_to_string(&parser, "if x { X }"), "(if [x X])"); assert_eq!( parse_to_string(&parser, "if x < y { A } else if x > y { B } else { C }"), "(if [(< x y) A] [(> x y) B] [true C])" ); } #[test] fn test_parsing_let() { let parser = make_parser().unwrap(); assert_eq!( parse_to_string(&parser, "let x = 5 in x + 1"), "(let x 5 (+ x 1))" ); test( &parser, "let x + 1 = 5 in x", r#"Parse Error: Expected an identifier. At 'testcase' line 0. let x + 1 = 5 in x ^^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn test_multiple_errors() { let parser = make_parser().unwrap(); test( &parser, "(1 else { A }) + (if x > 5 { A } else B + C)", r#"Parse Error: An 'else' may only come after an 'if', but this 'else' is on its own. At 'testcase' line 0. (1 else { A }) + (if x > 5 { A } else B + C) ^^^^ Parse Error: An 'else' must be followed by braces '{...}', but this 'else' was not. At 'testcase' line 0. (1 else { A }) + (if x > 5 { A } else B + C) ^^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn test_blank_and_juxtapose_errors() { let parser = make_parser().unwrap(); test( &parser, "1 2 +", r#"Parse Error: Found two expressions with nothing to join them. At 'testcase' line 0. 1 2 + ^^^ Parse Error: Expected an expression, but found nothing. At 'testcase' line 0. 1 2 + ^ "#, ); }