[![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/panty.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/panty) # Stock gVim instance and Summon it Build and Install ``` $ cargo install panty $ ~/.cargo/bin/panty -h ``` # Usage ## Start gVim instance stocker ``` $ panty collector --stocks 5 --watch ~/.vimrc --watch ~/.gvimrc --recursive-watch ~/.vim/ ``` **collector** stocks 5 gVim instances, and watch 2 files for renewal these instances. ## Summon stocked gVim instance ``` $ panty summon /etc/fstab /etc/whois.conf ``` Brings the stocked gVim instance to current desktop, then opens `/etc/fstab` and `/etc/whois.conf`. ## Renewal stocked gVim instance ``` $ panty renew ``` ## Output logs ``` $ panty --log-level trace ... ``` # Requirements - gVim - Linux - inotify - X11