use paperless_rs::PaperlessClient; #[cfg(test)] lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref PAPERLESS_CLIENT: PaperlessClient = { let runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Failed to create Tokio runtime"); runtime.block_on(setup_tests()) }; } #[cfg(test)] pub async fn setup_tests() -> PaperlessClient { use paperless_rs::authorization::{AuthorizationType, Credentials}; println!("Setting up tests..."); let credentials = Credentials::new("boul2gom".to_string(), "ci-env-password".to_string()); let auth_type = AuthorizationType::Basic(credentials); let client = PaperlessClient::new("", auth_type, None).await; let client = client .expect("Failed to create Paperless client, please check your running environment..."); for id in 1..=10 { let content = format!("Sample document n°{}", id); let path = format!("sample-document-{}.pdf", id); self::create_pdf(&content, &content, &path).expect("Failed to create PDF"); } client } #[cfg(test)] pub fn create_pdf( title: &str, content: &str, path: &str, ) -> Result<(), Box> { use std::{fs::File, io::BufWriter}; use printpdf::{Mm, PdfDocument}; let file_name = format!("/usr/src/paperless/consume/{}", path); let (doc, _, _) = PdfDocument::new(title, Mm(297.0), Mm(210.0), content); let file = File::create(file_name)?; BufWriter::new(file))?; //Wait for the documents to be indexed std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); Ok(()) }