use std::cmp::Reverse; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Weak}; use tantivy::collector::TopDocs; use tantivy::query::QueryParser; use tantivy::schema::{Schema, FAST, TEXT}; use tantivy::{ doc, DocAddress, DocId, Index, Opstamp, Searcher, SearcherGeneration, SegmentId, SegmentReader, Warmer, }; // This example shows how warmers can be used to // load values from an external sources and // tie their lifecycle to that of the index segments // using the Warmer API. // // In this example, we assume an e-commerce search engine. type ProductId = u64; type Price = u32; pub trait PriceFetcher: Send + Sync + 'static { fn fetch_prices(&self, product_ids: &[ProductId]) -> Vec; } type SegmentKey = (SegmentId, Option); struct DynamicPriceColumn { field: String, price_cache: RwLock>>>, price_fetcher: Box, } impl DynamicPriceColumn { pub fn with_product_id_field(field: String, price_fetcher: T) -> Self { DynamicPriceColumn { field, price_cache: Default::default(), price_fetcher: Box::new(price_fetcher), } } pub fn price_for_segment(&self, segment_reader: &SegmentReader) -> Option>> { let segment_key = (segment_reader.segment_id(), segment_reader.delete_opstamp()); } } impl Warmer for DynamicPriceColumn { fn warm(&self, searcher: &Searcher) -> tantivy::Result<()> { for segment in searcher.segment_readers() { let product_id_reader = segment .fast_fields() .u64(&self.field)? .first_or_default_col(0); let product_ids: Vec = segment .doc_ids_alive() .map(|doc| product_id_reader.get_val(doc)) .collect(); let mut prices = self.price_fetcher.fetch_prices(&product_ids).into_iter(); let prices: Vec = (0..segment.max_doc()) .map(|doc| { if !segment.is_deleted(doc) { } else { 0 } }) .collect(); let key = (segment.segment_id(), segment.delete_opstamp()); self.price_cache .write() .unwrap() .insert(key, Arc::new(prices)); } Ok(()) } fn garbage_collect(&self, live_generations: &[&SearcherGeneration]) { let live_keys: HashSet = live_generations .iter() .flat_map(|gen| gen.segments()) .map(|(&segment_id, &opstamp)| (segment_id, opstamp)) .collect(); self.price_cache .write() .unwrap() .retain(|key, _| live_keys.contains(key)); } } // For the sake of this example, the table is just an editable HashMap behind a RwLock. // This map represents a map (ProductId -> Price) // // In practise, it could be fetching things from an external service, like a SQL table. #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct ExternalPriceTable { prices: Arc>>, } impl ExternalPriceTable { pub fn update_price(&self, product_id: ProductId, price: Price) { self.prices.write().unwrap().insert(product_id, price); } } impl PriceFetcher for ExternalPriceTable { fn fetch_prices(&self, product_ids: &[ProductId]) -> Vec { let prices =; product_ids .iter() .map(|product_id| prices.get(product_id).cloned().unwrap_or(0)) .collect() } } fn main() -> tantivy::Result<()> { // Declaring our schema. let mut schema_builder = Schema::builder(); // The product id is assumed to be a primary id for our external price source. let product_id = schema_builder.add_u64_field("product_id", FAST); let text = schema_builder.add_text_field("text", TEXT); let schema: Schema =; let price_table = ExternalPriceTable::default(); let price_dynamic_column = Arc::new(DynamicPriceColumn::with_product_id_field( "product_id".to_string(), price_table.clone(), )); price_table.update_price(OLIVE_OIL, 12); price_table.update_price(GLOVES, 13); price_table.update_price(SNEAKERS, 80); const OLIVE_OIL: ProductId = 323423; const GLOVES: ProductId = 3966623; const SNEAKERS: ProductId = 23222; let index = Index::create_in_ram(schema); let mut writer = index.writer_with_num_threads(1, 15_000_000)?; writer.add_document(doc!(product_id=>OLIVE_OIL, text=>"cooking olive oil from greece"))?; writer.add_document(doc!(product_id=>GLOVES, text=>"kitchen gloves, perfect for cooking"))?; writer.add_document(doc!(product_id=>SNEAKERS, text=>"uber sweet sneakers"))?; writer.commit()?; let warmers = vec![Arc::downgrade(&price_dynamic_column) as Weak]; let reader = index.reader_builder().warmers(warmers).try_into()?; let query_parser = QueryParser::for_index(&index, vec![text]); let query = query_parser.parse_query("cooking")?; let searcher = reader.searcher(); let score_by_price = move |segment_reader: &SegmentReader| { let price = price_dynamic_column .price_for_segment(segment_reader) .unwrap(); move |doc_id: DocId| Reverse(price[doc_id as usize]) }; let most_expensive_first = TopDocs::with_limit(10).custom_score(score_by_price); let hits =, &most_expensive_first)?; assert_eq!( &hits, &[ ( Reverse(12u32), DocAddress { segment_ord: 0, doc_id: 0u32 } ), ( Reverse(13u32), DocAddress { segment_ord: 0, doc_id: 1u32 } ), ] ); // Olive oil just got more expensive! price_table.update_price(OLIVE_OIL, 15); // The price update are directly reflected on `reload`. // // Be careful here though!... // You may have spotted that we are still using the same `Searcher`. // // It is up to the `Warmer` implementer to decide how // to control this behavior. reader.reload()?; let hits_with_new_prices =, &most_expensive_first)?; assert_eq!( &hits_with_new_prices, &[ ( Reverse(13u32), DocAddress { segment_ord: 0, doc_id: 1u32 } ), ( Reverse(15u32), DocAddress { segment_ord: 0, doc_id: 0u32 } ), ] ); Ok(()) }