# paradis [![paradis crate](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/paradis.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/paradis) [![paradis documentation](https://docs.rs/paradis/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/paradis) **`paradis` is currently at an early, experimental stage. Test coverage is deliberately poor in order to make it easier to iterate on the overall design. Community feedback is very welcome!** `paradis` makes it easier to implement non-trivial parallel algorithms that require access to a subset of indices into data structures that are structurally similar to multidimensional arrays. It does so by providing abstractions at incrementally higher levels: 1. A low-level, unsafe abstraction for unsynchronized access to independent *records* of a collection. 2. Higher-level abstractions built on top of the unsafe base layer that allow many parallel access patterns to be expressed in safe code, or with a minimum of unsafe code. The low-level abstractions are provided by the very lightweight `paradis-core` crate. Library authors are encouraged to depend only on this crate in order to expose their data structures for parallel access. Please check out the [documentation](https://docs.rs/paradis) for more information about how to use `paradis`. ## Examples The examples given here are provided just to give you a taste of the API. Please check out the documentation for more context. #### Safe parallel iteration with index lists The following example shows how `paradis` can be used to safely iterate over mutable elements located at arbitrary indices in a slice, in parallel. ```rust use paradis::index::{IndexList, narrow_access}; use paradis::rayon::create_par_iter; use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator; let mut data = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; let indices = vec![4, 7, 1].check_unique().expect("Indices are unique"); let access = narrow_access(data.as_mut_slice(), &indices) .expect("Indices are in bounds of the data structure"); create_par_iter(access).for_each(|x_i| *x_i = 0); assert_eq!(data, vec![0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 0, 8, 9]); ``` #### Structured index lists For some problems, the indices are *structured*. In this case, we may be able to avoid runtime checks for uniqueness, and instead prove uniqueness by structured construction, using *index combinators*. The example below shows how structured uniqueness allows us to mutate the superdiagonal of a matrix. ```rust use nalgebra::dmatrix; use paradis::index::{IndexList, narrow_access}; use paradis::rayon::create_par_iter; use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator; // Access implementation omitted use paradis_demo::DMatrixParAccessMut; let mut matrix = dmatrix![1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; // Superdiagonal indices are [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)] let superdiagonal_indices = (0 .. 3).index_zip(1 .. 4); let access = DMatrixParAccessMut::from_matrix_mut(&mut matrix); let superdiagonal_access = narrow_access(access, &superdiagonal_indices) .expect("Indices are in bounds"); create_par_iter(superdiagonal_access).for_each(|x_ij| *x_ij = 0); assert_eq!(matrix, dmatrix![1, 0, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 0, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]); ``` #### Low-level unsafe parallel access The higher-level features of `paradis` are built on top of its low-level abstractions for *parallel access*. The example below shows how we may use careful unsynchronized access to mutate even and odd parts of a slice in different threads. ```rust use paradis_core::{BoundedParAccess, IntoParAccess}; use std::thread::scope; let mut data = vec![0; 100]; let n = data.len(); let access = data.into_par_access(); scope(|s| { s.spawn(|| { // The first thread touches elements at even indices for i in (0 .. n).step_by(2) { unsafe { *access.get_unsync(i) = 1; } } }); s.spawn(|| { // The second thread touches elements at odd indices for i in (1 .. n).step_by(2) { unsafe { *access.get_unsync(i) = 2; } } }); }) ``` ## Contributing `paradis` is open source, and contribution is welcome. There are several ways you can contribute: 1. by trying `paradis` out for your application and reporting on your experience in the [forum](https://github.com/Andlon/paradis/discussions). 2. by filing [issues](https://github.com/Andlon/paradis/issues), like bugs, ideas for improvement or concerns about the design. 3. by fixing bugs, improving documentation, or contributing new features as part of a pull request. Please note that not at all new features will necessarily be accepted. Before investing a great deal of time on new functionality, please file an issue to see if the feature is likely to be accepted. Keep in mind that `paradis` is not developed professionally. Although I, [@Andlon](https://github.com/Andlon), have every intention of following up on issues and PRs, life has a tendency to get in the way at times, sometimes for extended periods of time. ## License `paradis` is distributed under the terms of either the MIT license or the Apache License (Version 2.0), at your option. See `LICENSE-APACHE` and `LICENSE-MIT` for details. By contributing intellectual property to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the same terms.