# parallel-gnuplot
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Parallel calls to GNUPlot.
Calls the same `GNUPlot` script once for each data file block.
Please, note `GNUPlot` has copyrights,
and `parallel-gnuplot` is not a modified version of `GNUPlot`.
### GNUPlot variables
`parallel-gnuplot` sets some `GNUPlot` variables:
- INDEX: block index, starting at 0 if --initial was not set;
- CONTINUOUSINDEX: block index, starting at 0;
- DATAFILE: path of a data file containing only a single block.
### Usage
`parallel-gnuplot -d datafilename0 -d datafilename1 [-d ...] -g gpfilename`
`program_outputing_data | parallel-gnuplot -g gpfilename`
`cargo run --release -- -d datafilename0 -d datafilename1 [-d ...] -g gpfilename`
Use flag `-h` for more help.
### Example
# block 0:
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
# block 1:
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
set terminal png size 800,600
set encoding utf8
set xrange [0:4]
set yrange [0:8]
set key left top
set output sprintf("%d", INDEX).'.png'
plot DATAFILE0 with lp lw 2 pt 7 ps 3 title sprintf("Block %d", INDEX)
You can call:
`parallel-gnuplot -d data.txt --g script.gp`
`cargo run --release -- -d data.txt -g script.gp`
or something like
`cat data.txt | parallel-gnuplot -g script.gp`
### Features
- Tested with the Operating Systems:
- MS Windows (works since v0.1.4),
- GNU/Linux.
- (Let me know if works in other OSs.)
- Can receive data through pipe (since v0.1.5).
- Check vality of script (since v0.1.6).
- Skip single line comments capability.