# Comments like this one are allowed # Optional and global PR title override title: Foobarization of all bar doc: - audience: Node Dev # The description can be single line description: some important text # Notes are optional, the `notes` property can be skipped # or specifically set to `[]` notes: - not so important note - audience: Validator # The description can be multi-line description: > some other text I am a single line description in the end # Notes are an array of strings, each string can be multi-line notes: - | I am a multiline made of 3 lines and this is the last - Also don't forget to foo your bar - audience: Node Operator title: Optional title override for the `Exchange` audience description: Change the `foo` of `bar` migrations: db: - name: foo description: You need to move folder foo to foo/bar runtime: - pallet: foo-bar description: You need to move folder foo to foo/bar - pallet: foo-baz # This is a multi line string, not an array of strings description: | - do this - do that crates: - name: sp-foobar-a semver: major - name: sp-foobar-b semver: patch # We can pass an optional note note: The change was small, thus patch - name: sp-foobar-c # so we can explicitly say no change when the auto detect forces us to state the change. semver: no change # Host functions must be specifically provided. Here the empty array # specifically tells there is nothing related to host_functions. host_functions: []