use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex}; use std::thread; // TODO fn main() { let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new())); let num_of_requests = 10; let num_of_rounds = 10; let mut cur_round = 0; while cur_round < num_of_rounds { next_wave(&pair, num_of_requests); dbg!(""); // Wait for the thread to start up. let (lock, cvar) = &*pair; let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap(); // As long as the value inside the `Mutex` is `false`, we wait. dbg!(""); while !*started { dbg!(""); started = cvar.wait(started).unwrap(); } cur_round += 1; // dbg!(cur_round); } } fn next_wave(pair: &Arc<(Mutex, Condvar)>, num_of_requests: usize) { for i in 0..num_of_requests { let pair2 = Arc::clone(pair); thread::spawn(move || { let (lock, cvar) = &*pair2; println!("Inside Thread"); let mut started = lock.lock().unwrap(); request(); *started = true; // We notify the condvar that the value has changed. cvar.notify_one(); }); } } fn request() { use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::time::Instant; let connect_str = "localhost:8080"; let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; let start = Instant::now(); let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(&connect_str).unwrap(); stream.write_all(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n").unwrap(); let num_bytes = buf).unwrap(); // let duration = start.elapsed(); let status_code = get_status_code(&buf[..num_bytes]); println!("Status: {}", status_code); } fn get_status_code(response: &[u8]) -> u16 { let mut lines = response.split(|&b| b == b'\n'); if let Some(status_line) = { let response_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(status_line); let status_line = response_str.split("\r\n").next().unwrap(); if let Some(code) = status_line.split(" ").nth(1) { return code.parse().unwrap_or(0); } } 0 }