# Contributors to the Parsec project This file aims to acknowledge the specific contributors referred to in the "Contributors to the Parsec project" copyright notice. ## Organizations * Arm Ltd. * Docker Inc. * Mirantis Inc. ## Individuals * Anton Antonov (@anta5010) * Paul Howard (@paulhowardarm) * Ionut Mihalcea (@ionut-arm) * Hugues de Valon (@hug-dev) * Jesper Brynolf (@Superhepper) * Samuel Bailey (@sbailey-arm) * Patrick Uiterwijk (@puiterwijk) * Nicolas Stalder (@nickray) * Edmund Grimley Evans (@egrimley-arm) * Matt Davis (@MattDavis00) * Mohamed Omar Asaker (@mohamedasaker-arm) * Gowtham Suresh Kumar (@gowthamsk-arm) * William Brown (@firstyear) * Tomas Agustin Gonzalez Orlando (@tgonzalezorlandoarm)