The following lists out the tests from `partiql-lang-kotlin`'s evaluation tests that are not part of `partiql-tests`: Tests excluded: - EvaluatorTestSuite.kt -- parameters: ```ion envs::{ parameterTestTable:[ { bar:"baz" }, { bar:"blargh" } ] } misc::[ { name:"parameters", statement:"SELECT ? as b1, FROM parameterTestTable f WHERE = ?", assert:{ evalMode:[EvalModeCoerce, EvalModeError], result:EvaluationSuccess, output:$bag::[ { b1:"spam", bar:"baz" } ] } } ] ``` - EvaluatorTestSuite.kt -- semicolon: ```ion uncategorized::[ { name:"semicolonAtEndOfLiteral", statement:"1;", assert:{ evalMode:[EvalModeCoerce, EvalModeError], result:EvaluationSuccess, output:1 } }, { name:"semicolonAtEndOfExpression", statement:"SELECT * FROM <<1>>;", assert:{ evalMode:[EvalModeCoerce, EvalModeError], result:EvaluationSuccess, output:$bag::[ { _1:1 } ] } } ] ``` - EvaluatorTestSuite.kt -- CAST ignoring type parameter arguments: - Kotlin implementation defaults to `TypedOpBehavior.LEGACY` mode ```ion floatN::[ // following tests ignore the type parameter of FLOAT, which is the default option in `partiql-lang-kotlin`'s // TypedOpBehavior mode, `TypedOpBehavior.LEGACY` { name:"castAsFloat1", statement:"CAST(1.234 AS FLOAT(1))", assert:{ evalMode:[EvalModeCoerce, EvalModeError], result:EvaluationSuccess, output:1.234e0 } }, { name:"canCastAsFloat1", statement:"CAN_CAST(1.234 AS FLOAT(1))", assert:{ evalMode:[EvalModeCoerce, EvalModeError], result:EvaluationSuccess, output:true } }, { name:"isFloat1", statement:"`1.234e0` IS FLOAT(1)", assert:{ evalMode:[EvalModeCoerce, EvalModeError], result:EvaluationSuccess, output:true } } ] ```