wrong_num_function_args::[ size::[ { name:"size wrong number of arguments{sql:\"size()\"}", statement:"size()", assert: { result: StaticAnalysisFail }, }, { name:"size wrong number of arguments{sql:\"size(`[]`, `[]`)\"}", statement:"size(`[]`, `[]`)", assert: { result: StaticAnalysisFail }, }, { name:"size wrong number of arguments{sql:\"size(`[]`, 1)\"}", statement:"size(`[]`, 1)", assert: { result: StaticAnalysisFail }, }, ], ] invalid_function_args::[ size::[ { name:"size wrong type of arguments{param:1,actual:\"INT\"}", statement:"size(1)", assert: { result: StaticAnalysisFail }, }, { name:"size wrong type of arguments{param:\"''\",actual:\"STRING\"}", statement:"size('')", assert: { result: StaticAnalysisFail }, } ], ]