# party-run ## A Command Execution Automator **party-run** is a minimal command runner that aims to automate running a repetitive sequence of commands (usually during development). It is designed to run a set of default or user-defined commands either sequentially or in parallel. ### How To Run #### 1a. Run with default commands ```bash party run ``` By default `party run` will run sequentially the commands: 1. `cargo fmt` 2. `cargo clippy -- -Dwarnings` 3. `cargo test` #### 1b. Initalise local configuration file ```bash party init ``` This generates a local `party.toml`: ```toml [[tasks]] command = ["cargo", "fmt"] [[tasks]] command = ["cargo", "clippy", "--", "-Dwarnings"] [[tasks]] command = ["cargo", "test"] ``` #### 2. Update the configuration file To verify that the configuration file is correct, run `party info` to view the commands that are about to be ran and `party batch` to verify how the commands are batched for asynchrounous running #### 3. party run When ready, run `party run` to execute the commands in the configuration file. For more information, run `party help`.