use pass_tool::{ actions::{ action, command, create_dir_perm, delete_file, install_apt_packages, many, perm, start_service, stop_service, write_file, write_file_perm, }, checks::{ check, is_file, path_is_missing, service_is_inactive, stdout_contains_once, user_is_root, }, instruction, run_cli_with_input, Playbook, }; const ABOUT: &str = "Example installing nginx webserver with letsencrypt certificate. This playbook will: - configure firewall (will allow ssh, http, https) - enable letsencrypt certificates for domain - configure nginx static website with https support"; const HELP: &str = "For configuration you need to provide comma separated values of your email address (for letsencrypt registration) and your domain name, example: ``` apply, ```"; const NGINX_CONF: &str = include_str!("https_webserver_nginx.conf"); const CERTBOT_RENEW: &str = include_str!("https_webserver_certbot-renew"); const INDEX_HTML: &str = include_str!("https_webserver_index.html"); fn main() { run_cli_with_input( |input| { let input = String::from_utf8(input.to_vec()).or(Err(HELP.to_owned()))?; let mut parts = input.split(','); let [Some(email), Some(domain)] = [,] else { return Err(HELP.to_owned()); }; let nginx_conf = NGINX_CONF .split("{--domain--}") .collect::>() .join(domain); Ok(Playbook::new( "Install and configure nginx with https", ABOUT, [ user_is_root(), check( "Os is Ubuntu 20.04", stdout_contains_once(["lsb_release", "-a"], "Ubuntu 20.04"), ), ], [ instruction(action( "Upgrade apt packages", many([ command(["apt", "update", "-y"]), command(["apt", "upgrade", "-y"]), ]), )), instruction(install_apt_packages(["nginx", "certbot"])), instruction(action( "Configure firewall", many([ command(["ufw", "allow", "ssh"]), command(["ufw", "allow", "http"]), command(["ufw", "allow", "https"]), command(["ufw", "default", "deny", "incoming"]), command(["ufw", "default", "allow", "outgoing"]), ]), )) .with_env(check( "Firewall is inactive", stdout_contains_once(["ufw", "status"], "Status: inactive"), )), instruction(action("Stop nginx", stop_service("nginx"))), instruction(action( "Request ssl certificate", command([ "certbot", "certonly", "--standalone", "--agree-tos", "--no-eff-email", "-m", email, "-d", domain, ]), )) .with_env(check("Nginx is inactive", service_is_inactive("nginx"))) .confirm(check( "Ssl certificate exists", is_file(format!("/etc/letsencrypt/live/{domain}/fullchain.pem")), )), instruction(action( "Enable certbot renew", write_file_perm( "/etc/cron.weekly/certbot-renew", CERTBOT_RENEW, perm(0o555, "root"), ), )) .confirm(check( "Certbot renew is enabled", is_file("/etc/cron.weekly/certbot-renew"), )), instruction(action( "Delete default nginx site", delete_file("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default"), )) .confirm(check( "Default nginx site deleted", path_is_missing("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default"), )), instruction(action( "Create pass demo site nginx configuration", write_file("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pass-demo", nginx_conf), )) .confirm(check( "Pass demo site nginx configuration is exists", is_file("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pass-demo"), )), instruction(action( "Create website files", many([ create_dir_perm("/srv/pass-demo-site", perm(0o774, "www-data")), write_file_perm( "/srv/pass-demo-site/index.html", INDEX_HTML, perm(0o664, "www-data"), ), ]), )), instruction(action("Start nginx", start_service("nginx"))), instruction(action("Start firewall", start_service("ufw"))), instruction(action( "Enable firewall", command(["ufw", "--force", "enable"]), )), ], )) }, HELP, include_str!(""), ); }