Passage logo # Passage SDK for Rust This crate provides a library for working with [Passage](, a modern passwordless authentication experience based on passkeys and magic links. This library currently implements a very small subset of the available Passage API endpoints. At the moment, this SDK assists with server-side authentication. ## Installation ``` cargo add passage-id ``` ## Example: validation of Passage JWTs ```rust extern crate passage_id; use crate::passage_id::Passage; fn main() { // Your app id from let app_id = "..."; // Create an api key for your app at let api_key = "..."; // Download your app's public jwk key from{app_id}/.well-known/jwks.json. Note this is a single key, not an array. let pub_key = r#"{ "alg": "RS256", "kty": "RSA", "use": "sig", "n": "...", "e": "AQAB", "kid": "..." }"#; // The Passage struct can be created once, stored/cached, and reused across multiple requests. let passage = Passage::new(String::from(app_id), String::from(api_key), String::from(pub_key)); // If you are using an Element, the Passage JWT will be sent to your application via a cookie with the key `psg_auth_token` let psg_auth_token = "..."; let result = passage.authenticate_token(psg_auth_token); match result { Ok(passage_user_id) => println!( "Passage JWT is valid. passage_user_id=<{}>", passage_user_id ), Err(err) => { println!("Auth error: {:?}", err); } } } ```