# PassGuard ![](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/passguard?style=flat-square&logo=rust) ![](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/passguard?style=flat-square) This Rust-based password and passphrase generator offers a versatile solution for creating secure, customizable passwords. With support for password size and include uppercase, numbers and symbols. ## Features - Generation of passwords with lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. - Generation of passphrases with random words. - Customization of password length. - Choice of generation method: password or passphrase. - Display of generated password strength. ## Install To Install using [crates.io](https://crates.io/) ```shell cargo install passguard ``` ## Example Usage ```shell passguard ``` ```sh Choose a method (password/passphrase): passphrase Show password strength? (y/n): y --------------------------------- Enter the minimum word length: 5 Enter the maximum word length: 5 Enter the number of words in the passphrase: 5 Enter the character to separate the words: - Include uppercase letters? (y/n): y Include numbers? (y/n): y --------------------------------- Your password: Y6nwl-Rs3ep-4uoxr-Zgow4-Q9ykl --------------------------------- Password strength: Very strong (Score: 4/4) Crack time (Online with throttling (100 per hour)): centuries ```