# PATP toolkit This is an assembler and emulator for the PATP (Pedagogically Advanced Teaching Processor), a simple microprocessor designed for teaching CS132 Computer Organisation and Architecture at The University of Warwick. The processor specification and assembly language documentation is outlined in [the specification](Specification.md). ## Usage The program can be installed with `cargo install patp` . If you don't already have cargo installed, see [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) for instructions on how to install rust and cargo. - `patp emulate ` will execute a binary file and return the final CPU state - `patp assemble ` will assemble the `.patp` file and create a new binary file - `patp run ` will assemble and then execute a file If you'd prefer to download the source and compile yourself, clone the repo and run `cargo build`. `cargo test` will also run all the unit test, verifying the correctness of the assembler and emulator.