.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.9.2 .\" .TH "PAZI" "1" "" "Version 0.4.1" "An autojump \[lq]zap to directory\[rq] helper" .hy .SH SYNOPSIS .PP A fast autojump tool .PP USAGE: .IP .nf \f[C] pazi [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND] \f[R] .fi .PP FLAGS: .IP .nf \f[C] -h, --help Prints help information -i, --interactive interactively search directory matches -V, --version Prints version information \f[R] .fi .PP OPTIONS: .IP .nf \f[C] --debug print debug information to stderr [env: PAZI_DEBUG=] \f[R] .fi .PP SUBCOMMANDS: .IP .nf \f[C] edit Edit the frecency database help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) import Import from another autojump program init Prints initialization logic for the given shell to eval view View the frecency database \f[R] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Pazi is an autojump utility. That is to say, pazi remembers visited directories in the past and makes it easier to get back to them. .SH SETUP .PP After the pazi binary is in your \f[C]$PATH\f[R], add the following to your \f[C].zshrc\f[R] or \f[C].bashrc\f[R]: .IP .nf \f[C] if command -v pazi &>/dev/null; then eval \[dq]$(pazi init zsh)\[dq] # or \[aq]bash\[aq] fi \f[R] .fi .PP Note: The init should be added after \f[C]autoload -Uz compinit; compinit;\f[R] has been called since \f[C]pazi init zsh\f[R] initializes completion for the \f[C]z\f[R] command. .PP Or if you are a fish user, add the following to your \f[C]config.fish\f[R] .IP .nf \f[C] if command -v pazi >/dev/null status --is-interactive; and pazi init fish | source end \f[R] .fi .PP Finally, re-launch the shell and start zapping around :) .SH PIPING .PP Pazi provides the \f[C]--pipe\f[R] option to allow filtering potential jump targets through a program prior to being jumped to. .PP The main use-case for this feature is integration with fuzzy-finders like \f[C]fzf\f[R] and \f[C]skim\f[R]. .PP \f[C]z --pipe=\[dq]fzf\[dq] foo\f[R] may be used to filter all results matching \f[C]z foo\f[R] further before jumping. .PP You may wish to make an alias, such as \f[C]alias zf=\[aq]z --pipe=\[dq]fzf\[dq]\[aq]\f[R], for ease of use. .PP The program passed to \f[C]--pipe\f[R] should behave as follows: .IP "1." 3 It should accept a list of newline separated strings on stdin. .IP "2." 3 It should return one or more of the strings passed into it on stdout. .IP "3." 3 It should exit 0 on success. .PP Examples of programs that may be used as pipe programs include \f[C]fzf\f[R], \f[C]sk\f[R], \f[C]head\f[R], \f[C]sort -R\f[R], and so on. .SH BUGS .PP See GitHub Issues: https://github.com/euank/pazi/issues .SH AUTHOR .PP Euan Kemp