= Project Build Job :toc: == TL;DR **pbj** is a command line tool to generate sensible tdd software development projects from declarative templates written in TOML. **__Typescript__**, **__Python__**, and **__F#__** project templates are built in. Just <<_installation, install>> it and go. `pbj generate -t python __PROJECT_NAME__` `pbj generate -t typescript __PROJECT_NAME__` `pbj generate -t fsharp __PROJECT_NAME__` See the <<_templates>> section for details on customization and <> for why this tool exists. == Installation **pbj** is avaialable on https://crates.io. Source is available on it's github page: https://github.com/electric-hand/pbj. Simplest installation is via cargo. ``` cargo install pbj ``` == Commands Currently there is only one command: `generate`. `generate`:: ==== Generate a project. Aliased to `g`. the command:: - parses and loads a `<<_templates, template>>` by name -- *pbj* looks for a file named `\<