use std::env; use pbrt4::{Result, Scene}; /// Dump reads a pbrt file and dumps everything to stdout. /// Usage: /// `❯ cargo run --example dump -- ./assets/disney-cloud/disney-cloud.pbrt` /// fn main() -> Result<()> { let path = env::args().nth(1).expect("Path to pbrt file expected"); println!("Loading scene: {}", &path); let scene = Scene::from_file(&path)?; println!("Global options: {:#?}", scene.options); if let Some(camera) = { println!("Camera: {:#?}", camera); } if let Some(film) = { println!("Film: {:#?}", film); } if let Some(integrator) = scene.integrator { println!("Integrator: {:#?}", integrator); } if let Some(accelerator) = scene.accelerator { println!("Accelerator: {:#?}", accelerator); } if let Some(sampler) = scene.sampler { println!("Sampler: {:#?}", sampler); } println!("World begin"); for texture in scene.textures { println!("Texture: {:#?}", texture); } for material in scene.materials { println!("Material: {:#?}", material); } for light in scene.lights { println!("Light: {:#?}", light); } for medium in scene.mediums { println!("Medium: {:#?}", medium); } for shape in scene.shapes { println!("Shape: {:#?}", shape); } println!("Done"); Ok(()) }