# Library for serializing protobuf objects - Rust version This library is used for simplifying the serialization and deserialization of [protocol buffer](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) objects to/from files. The main use-case is to save and read a large collection of objects of the same type. Each file contains a header with the description of the protocol buffer, meaning that no compilation of `.proto` description file is required before reading a `pbz` file. ## Versions in other languages - [Python version](https://github.com/fabgeyer/pbzlib-py) - [Go version](https://github.com/fabgeyer/pbzlib-go) - [Java version](https://github.com/fabgeyer/pbzlib-java) - [C/C++ version](https://github.com/fabgeyer/pbzlib-c-cpp)